Posted August 23, 2018

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted August 23, 2018

(Keep in mind that JRPGs are RPGs too!)

I can think of one small optional area found late in the game that is particularly disturbing. There's also the strange feeling that some players (such as myself) might get on leaving the third major world.

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted August 23, 2018
Well, Final Fantasy actually *does* have a rather complicated plot involving time travel; the game just doesn't reveal it until near the end of the game.

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted August 23, 2018
low rated

I'd defend that statement - the most common image is the strongest image; made strong by its familiarity. By strong I mean bold, memorable. Strong in terms of imagery. So by creating more works that feature the most common imagery, you make it more common, which strengthens it.

I'd like for it to be easy for any creative person to create works that break the mould.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by LootHunter

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted August 23, 2018

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted August 23, 2018
low rated

If devs think that "breaking the mould" will spark the interesto of the audience, if making an unconventional image will offer some new exciting experience - they should definitely go for it. But if they want to play safe - again, that's their choice.
Because, as you've said, devs are responsible to their audeience. And if their work is unsatisfactory, or even outright agered their audience - it's on devs.

Post edited August 23, 2018 by LootHunter

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 23, 2018

I hadn't really considered that an audience would like playing games where strong white men are the lead roles more than they'd like playing games where anybody else is the lead role. Maybe that was naive of me.

It seems you're trying to say we shouldn't try to do good because the world's too far gone already. I guess I think if either way makes no difference than trying to do good is as good a way of spending your time than anything else.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted August 23, 2018

It seems you're trying to say we shouldn't try to do good because the world's too far gone already. I guess I think if either way makes no difference than trying to do good is as good a way of spending your time than anything else.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by richlind33

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted August 23, 2018
low rated

Again. If you want to make stories for "underrepresented" minorities (and I intentionally use quotes, because who is and who isn't uderrepresented is in fact pure arbitrary choice on the part of you and other people who want social change) you go and make them. Or if you can't, you go and find the one who can. If instead you jsut bombard some developer with accusation of "supporting negative tropes" or hijack well-known franchise to change it into something it's audience will not like - then you are not supporting creative freedom, you killing it.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 23, 2018

Do what you can to show care for other people folks. Do what you can to protect the vulnerable and to love the lonely. The world is doomed!

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted August 23, 2018

Again. I, like most people, don't oppose a game with black protagonist, or asian female protagonist, etc. But if such game is a failure for some reasons, including protagonist not fitting the role, or story pushing some agenda, people shold be able to criticise it freely. Just like developer, who didn't make push for representation shouldn't be a subject of shaming too.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted August 23, 2018

Do what you can to show care for other people folks. Do what you can to protect the vulnerable and to love the lonely. The world is doomed!
I don't think this world is beyond saving, though that may be the case. But I am quite certain that we are going to have to do far more than address trivial symptoms pertaining to a culture so shallow and superficial that it isn't culture at all, if we are to remain a viable species.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by richlind33

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 23, 2018

I don't think this world is beyond saving, though that may be the case. But I am quite certain that we are going to have to do far more than address trivial symptoms pertaining to a culture so shallow and superficial that it isn't culture at all, if we are to remain a viable species.
Do you have anything specific in mind that you'd rather we do instead of this?

my glasses are dirty
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted August 23, 2018

She's not 3 years old, after all.

Or it could just be the same reason i do the same thing to people on private message sometimes, except she does it in public and every single post.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by DieRuhe