LootHunter: You are essenitally putting the cart before the horse. Most historically significant figures were leaders, scientists and artists of the Europe. Europeans were white and most Europeans who did partake in historical deeds were men. That's why history and stories are dominated by characters based on those European men.
Mafwek: Let's see: Jesus was a Hebrew; Muhammad was a Saracen; Genghis Khan was a Mongol. Yup, all white Europeans.
I said MOST not ALL.
And I use caps because you deliberately miss details.
LootHunter: I think that Europe history is the history
most western people are familiar with and thus can draw inspiration from it or use it as a setting. As for being interesting, it definitely had more notable events (I've already mentioned wars and scientific discoveries) than any other continent. Well,
maybe except Asia. But I don't remember much people asking for more games about China history or inclusion of more asians.
Because, yeah - make your conqueror to be mongol, based on Genghis Khan, and you will get all "you are demonizing non-white people" flak from exactly the people like Telika and JoeSapphire.
And I don't want to even start on what can of worms you'll open with Muhammad.
And, as people already mentioned, most Jews DO belong to Europid group. So there is no particular reason to think that Jesus didn't.