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richlind33: Do you have any familiarity with the concept of "prioritization"?

I don't think this world is beyond saving, though that may be the case. But I am quite certain that we are going to have to do far more than address trivial symptoms pertaining to a culture so shallow and superficial that it isn't culture at all, if we are to remain a viable species.
JoeSapphire: What's trivial to some is very important to others. I agree that there are more urgent issues in the world, but seeing as this is a forum for a gaming website, I don't think this discussion is inappropriate.
Do you have anything specific in mind that you'd rather we do instead of this?
Put a stop to foreign policy that is blatantly criminal, adopt a financial system that doesn't necessitate constant economic growth for the benefit of those who aleady contol most of this world's wealth, learn how to live sustainably, etc, etc.
richlind33: Put a stop to foreign policy that is blatantly criminal, adopt a financial system that doesn't necessitate constant economic growth for the benefit of those who aleady contol most of this world's wealth, learn how to live sustainably, etc, etc.
Sweet! Let's do it.
richlind33: Put a stop to foreign policy that is blatantly criminal, adopt a financial system that doesn't necessitate constant economic growth for the benefit of those who aleady contol most of this world's wealth, learn how to live sustainably, etc, etc.
JoeSapphire: Sweet! Let's do it.
Or better still, how about we establish universal human rights for everyone -- finally?

If we were to work together to *that* end, maybe some of these less critical matters would get sorted as a consequence?
kohlrak: I have only seen parts of the movies, to be fair, but what you're showing isn't facism. One of the most important parts of facism is what we see from the anti-facist movement: censorship. One of the main pillars, and the most important pillar, of facism isn't simply propaganda, but outright banning of counter-propaganda and/or free-speech. Would you say that the west as a whole was facist during WWII with all it's propaganda?
Mafwek: Starship Troopers specifically targeted fascism. Censorship isn't anything particular to fascism, liberal (European meaning of the word) governments in 19th century censored anything which challenged them; US has long history with censoring something which is considered to be morally unacceptable (comic books, rock and roll, Dungeons & Dragons, videogames...).

Fascism is very complicated concept, but for the West as a whole, I would say it was always perilously close to becoming fascist itself. And Nazism is whole different can of worms.
Right, except facism needs to censor. What we find is that communism and facism really aren't all that different. The west, as a whole, has seen alot of this terrible totalitarianism via ideology throughout the past century, and we never let it go. Even kings, who are totalitarian by nature, have less power, overall. The western governments saw the power of these ideologies, and naturally they want that power back again. Kings never had the power to simply tell someone who to like and hate, or even have regular people do the most inhumane things to each other at a whim.

Mafwek: ALL of them.
LootHunter: Really? Even #5? I don't remember that UKIP or conservatives were against disagreement. In fact UKIP is pro-free speech.
So, how much integration are we seeing? Clearly, people are segregating, fear mongering or not, and we don't really need to point to one side or the other. It's happening.

LootHunter: Problem is that some people decided that some ideas ARE bad and shouldn't be in games. Like, you know, sexy women, strong white men, etc. And the reason, why they decided that is that they FEEL bad about thos ideas. Not some logical reasoning, or research, but just their own feelings.
JoeSapphire: I think the major reason people don't want there to be more computer games with sexualised female characters and muscular white male characters isn't because strong white men and sexy women make them feel bad. It's not because they want to make strong white men/sexy women an enemy.
This type of imagery is commonplace, and if we were to have solely this type of character in our narratives it would be a problem: Here's why -
Societies use stories as ethical and moral hypotheses and guidelines. Fairytales, folk stories, religious stories as examples. People look to stories to give them guidance, as well as informing their own sense of identity. Whether we're aware of it or not, stories are important.
The problem with having only one 'type' is that people who can't identify with that type feel excluded. If people are already marginalised in a society then lack of representation in stories begins to widen divides.

So a logical reason to be disappointed when a computer game features a muscular white male lead figure, posing in front of a sexualised female character is because if we want to avoid a divided society we should be making more of an effort to represent those who aren't represented. Not because strong white men and sexy woman are bad, but because it already exists so much that it's become normalised - because when people picture a computer game they picture a strong white man.

I'm running out of energy to make this point, and I don't think I've made it very well.
If this were the truth, why are we discouraging white males and sexy women, instead of simply promoting the diversity we pretend to seek? If you have no problem with A, but want to promote B, you don't discourage A when you might make the material for A disappear altogether instead of stepping aside to make room for B. Promote B. But, hey, no one's asking why everyone likes A so damn much. Might have something to do with the stereotype of white people: we're always in someone's business, always confident (but not over-confident), always trying to be badass, etc. Gee, wonder why we would want white people to be our lead badass who's trying to be a lone hero. Sure, wouldn't have anything to do with white western culture prioritizing the narrative of the power of individuality. I wonder why RPGs with a party system like Japanese so much. Oh, hey, what do you know, the story writers also generally happen to be of the race they're writing their epic about.

dtgreene: Final Fantasy 4 says hi. Perhaps Final Fantasy 2 says high as well.

(Keep in mind that JRPGs are RPGs too!)
Mafwek: Shin Megami Tensei says hi.
TES says hi as well, but no one ever gives it any credit, since you don't need to be a deep thinker to understand the main plotline of TES.

JoeSapphire: So a logical reason to be disappointed when a computer game features a muscular white male lead figure, posing in front of a sexualised female character is because if we want to avoid a divided society we should be making more of an effort to represent those who aren't represented. Not because strong white men and sexy woman are bad, but because it already exists so much that it's become normalised - because when people picture a computer game they picture a strong white man.
richlind33: I'm just going to say that I think it's pathetic to take issue with this or that particular trope because tropes are all that our "culture" consists of. Why not get rid of ALL of them?
For the same reason tropes exist to begin with, which is the same reason stereotypes exist: they're useful. Don't get me wrong, if it wasn't for the over-representation of certain racial groups in certain activities (like sports) in a country dominated by another racial group, we wouldn't have stereotypes involving those racial groups in sports. If every Jew were poor, you couldn't call them penny pinching bankers. If every asian failed out of college, you wouldn't have stereotypes about asian intelligence. When the grand majority of bombers are brown and yell something about a fancy 72 virgin snackbar, we wouldn't have a stereotype of muslim suicide vests. If Russians didn't have brutal police and military, the Russian reversal wouldn't be funny. If white people didn't try putting their flags everywhere, try to convince everyone that multi-culturalism is good, trying to convince everyone of "women's rights" and "gay rights" being ideal for society, white people wouldn't have this stereotype of intefering with everyone else's shit. At the end of the day, that's what all this comes down to.
Mafwek: Shin Megami Tensei says hi.
kohlrak: TES says hi as well, but no one ever gives it any credit, since you don't need to be a deep thinker to understand the main plotline of TES.
It seems you missed the point of this sub-thread.

1. TES is a WRPG series, not a JRPG series, unlike the other examples given.
2. TES games are relatively recent, compared to the others. Less than 2 years passed between Daggerfall and Baldur's Gate, and Arena didn't realy have that much of a storyline. In the meantime, some of the games I mentioned are much older: SaGa 1 even got (originally) released back in 1989!
kohlrak: There's supposed to be some sort of humor from it, so i'm guessing it's from some obscure joke from a long time ago that some posters understand but we don't (if you go back to her old posts, you'll see they're quite "normal").

Or it could just be the same reason i do the same thing to people on private message sometimes, except she does it in public and every single post.
DieRuhe: It just seems like a lot of unnecessary work, in my opinion; like "Oh wait, how am I spelling that word this time?" And although I actually find her (are we sure it's a her?) topics interesting, I'm put off by the whole approach. Not to mention that she (?) brings something up and then often seems to disappear while everyone else carries on with her (?) subject.
She's probably too busy trying to figure out how to juggle the next post.

JoeSapphire: Sweet! Let's do it.
richlind33: Or better still, how about we establish universal human rights for everyone -- finally?

If we were to work together to *that* end, maybe some of these less critical matters would get sorted as a consequence?
There's the issue at the end of the day, and precisely why people around the world are sick of white peoples' shit. There are people out there that don't want equality between men and women, for example, and this includes women (both women who want more power than men and women who think men should rule the world), just for one simple example. People are sick of us meddling in everyone else's business, instead of simply leading by example. The more i discuss the equality issues, and find arguments from people who are considered "disavantaged" who still argue to remain disadvantaged, I start asking questions. Sometimes, you find out that what you call equality isn't, and some groups of people find comfort in inequality, even if they're the ones being mistreated. Every time i meet someone who's pro-polygamy, for example, i discover that some (definitely not most) women actually prefer that due to base biological sexuality: the man who knows what he wants, is willing to "put her in her place," and can find entertainment without her, is biologically more sexy than the guy whom says "yes dear" to everything (there's other reasons, too, but that's usually the first defense, since it suggests the women involved actually prefer it), which is why Fifty Shades is now one of the best selling books of all time (even though it's not about polygamy).

Sure, you want to help those children in thailand who are being sold by their parents into having sex with people, but simply saying "that's not OK, and you're crazy for feeling that way" is not going to fix the problem there. They have their own worldview, and their own justifications, and it even solves a need. That's why it still happens. Most people around the world would say it's immoral and not OK to be transgendered and transexual. First, the transexual people would argue that you forfit your ability to produce kids for society, so places with strong tribal ties (pretty much everywhere) would say that you're hedonistic, and should have sacrificed your sexuality for the greater good of your society. As for transgender, the same groups, as well as other groups, will say that the premise of presenting a picture of being something that you're not can not only affect reproductive value (as dating a chick who secretly has a penis doesn't get pregnant), but you're also lying (so even homosexual approving cultures would condemn, since that lesbian chick you want to bang turns out to have a penis [and, yes, i've seen a few LGBT sites talking about this as an issue, so even that community is starting to eat itself alive over this]). Transphobia is a huge issue, right now, and that's just off in that direction.

But then turn around and here's a typical white male (i'm just guessing, and it's probably safe to assume this), going around telling someone precisely how their culture should look, and what is and isn't right, which then turns into a censorship issue. So should transgendered and transexual people wear a patch visibly identifying them, or is it OK for them to misrepresent themselves to others. I'm gonna give you a warning: don't answer. You'll have people arguing "love is love, a certain body part should not get in the way," but then you'll also have people saying "it can't be love if you can't be honest right off the bat." And that alone is ignoring that real relationships are usually over a period of time, but, hey, Brandon Teena was able to hide her identity for a long time.
kohlrak: TES says hi as well, but no one ever gives it any credit, since you don't need to be a deep thinker to understand the main plotline of TES.
dtgreene: It seems you missed the point of this sub-thread.

1. TES is a WRPG series, not a JRPG series, unlike the other examples given.
2. TES games are relatively recent, compared to the others. Less than 2 years passed between Daggerfall and Baldur's Gate, and Arena didn't realy have that much of a storyline. In the meantime, some of the games I mentioned are much older: SaGa 1 even got (originally) released back in 1989!
I guess i did. I thought we were still also on the topic of favoring white males at this same split, too. That's what i get for skimming.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by kohlrak
low rated
JoeSapphire: Have I got that right?
Depends on what are you talking about.

JoeSapphire: if you think that europe has more interesting history than any other continent.
I think that Europe history is the history most western people are familiar with and thus can draw inspiration from it or use it as a setting. As for being interesting, it definitely had more notable events (I've already mentioned wars and scientific discoveries) than any other continent. Well, maybe except Asia. But I don't remember much people asking for more games about China history or inclusion of more asians.

Or you can prove me wrong?

JoeSapphire: you think strong white men historically more interesting
Again, you go on a sllippery slope of poor wording. Yes, I think that there are more historically significant figures among white men. But it doesn't mean that I think that "white man" is more interesting than "black man" or "white woman". There are simply more archetypes among white men (conqurer Napoleon, scientist Einstein, king Richard) that aurhors can draw inspiration from. They of course can draw inspirationf from other groups too (queen Cleopatra, president Mandela, social activist Martin Luther King), but there are fewer of them, thus there are fewer imaginary characters inspired by them. Exactly because (as you said in previous comment) people don't need another <insert name of popular trope>.

JoeSapphire: you think strong white men deserve lead status in the majority of narratives because they hold more authority.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by LootHunter
low rated
LootHunter: Really? Even #5? I don't remember that UKIP or conservatives were against disagreement. In fact UKIP is pro-free speech.
kohlrak: So, how much integration are we seeing? Clearly, people are segregating, fear mongering or not, and we don't really need to point to one side or the other. It's happening.
Integration of what?
low rated
kohlrak: But then turn around and here's a typical white male (i'm just guessing, and it's probably safe to assume this), going around telling someone precisely how their culture should look, and what is and isn't right, which then turns into a censorship issue.
Yeah, it's kinda hilarious to see that most people who cry about "majority that is opressing everyone and enforce stereotypes and it's cultural norms" are from that very same "majority" and they are the ones who push for their vision of "cultural norms" on everyone.
richlind33: Or better still, how about we establish universal human rights for everyone -- finally?

If we were to work together to *that* end, maybe some of these less critical matters would get sorted as a consequence?
kohlrak: There's the issue at the end of the day, and precisely why people around the world are sick of white peoples' shit. There are people out there that don't want equality between men and women, for example, and this includes women (both women who want more power than men and women who think men should rule the world), just for one simple example. People are sick of us meddling in everyone else's business, instead of simply leading by example. The more i discuss the equality issues, and find arguments from people who are considered "disavantaged" who still argue to remain disadvantaged, I start asking questions. Sometimes, you find out that what you call equality isn't, and some groups of people find comfort in inequality, even if they're the ones being mistreated. Every time i meet someone who's pro-polygamy, for example, i discover that some (definitely not most) women actually prefer that due to base biological sexuality: the man who knows what he wants, is willing to "put her in her place," and can find entertainment without her, is biologically more sexy than the guy whom says "yes dear" to everything (there's other reasons, too, but that's usually the first defense, since it suggests the women involved actually prefer it), which is why Fifty Shades is now one of the best selling books of all time (even though it's not about polygamy).

Sure, you want to help those children in thailand who are being sold by their parents into having sex with people, but simply saying "that's not OK, and you're crazy for feeling that way" is not going to fix the problem there. They have their own worldview, and their own justifications, and it even solves a need. That's why it still happens. Most people around the world would say it's immoral and not OK to be transgendered and transexual. First, the transexual people would argue that you forfit your ability to produce kids for society, so places with strong tribal ties (pretty much everywhere) would say that you're hedonistic, and should have sacrificed your sexuality for the greater good of your society. As for transgender, the same groups, as well as other groups, will say that the premise of presenting a picture of being something that you're not can not only affect reproductive value (as dating a chick who secretly has a penis doesn't get pregnant), but you're also lying (so even homosexual approving cultures would condemn, since that lesbian chick you want to bang turns out to have a penis [and, yes, i've seen a few LGBT sites talking about this as an issue, so even that community is starting to eat itself alive over this]). Transphobia is a huge issue, right now, and that's just off in that direction.

But then turn around and here's a typical white male (i'm just guessing, and it's probably safe to assume this), going around telling someone precisely how their culture should look, and what is and isn't right, which then turns into a censorship issue. So should transgendered and transexual people wear a patch visibly identifying them, or is it OK for them to misrepresent themselves to others. I'm gonna give you a warning: don't answer. You'll have people arguing "love is love, a certain body part should not get in the way," but then you'll also have people saying "it can't be love if you can't be honest right off the bat." And that alone is ignoring that real relationships are usually over a period of time, but, hey, Brandon Teena was able to hide her identity for a long time.
That isn't the "shit" that people in the developing world are sick of. They're sick of being lied to and taken advantage of by people who hold themselves to be above the law and are ruled only by their appetites. The West has a long history of supporting radical extremists, as allies, and useful enemies. We rape, pillage, and plunder, and then tell ourselves that they hate us for our "freedom".

Universal human rights for all would end that kind of abuse and allow humanity to leave the jungle once and for all, and begin to build a society that is truly civilized and cultured.
Post edited August 23, 2018 by richlind33
wpegg: This is typical of you SWJ proxies. Things like this need to be debated in an impartial and unconested manor!
tinyE: god I hope you're trying to be funny. :P

I just got an email from a friend of my mothers telling me I should be imprisoned for treason and or deported because I donated money to "March for Our Lives", and he wasn't trying to be funny, he was totally serious! XD
You gave money to Nuremberg Rally 2.0?
Mafwek: Starship Troopers specifically targeted fascism. Censorship isn't anything particular to fascism, liberal (European meaning of the word) governments in 19th century censored anything which challenged them; US has long history with censoring something which is considered to be morally unacceptable (comic books, rock and roll, Dungeons & Dragons, videogames...).

Fascism is very complicated concept, but for the West as a whole, I would say it was always perilously close to becoming fascist itself. And Nazism is whole different can of worms.
kohlrak: Right, except facism needs to censor. What we find is that communism and facism really aren't all that different. The west, as a whole, has seen alot of this terrible totalitarianism via ideology throughout the past century, and we never let it go. Even kings, who are totalitarian by nature, have less power, overall. The western governments saw the power of these ideologies, and naturally they want that power back again. Kings never had the power to simply tell someone who to like and hate, or even have regular people do the most inhumane things to each other at a whim.

TES says hi as well, but no one ever gives it any credit, since you don't need to be a deep thinker to understand the main plotline of TES.
A lot? The West has seen only one totalitarianism, two if we count European part of USSR/Russia. Those two are Third Reich/Nazi Germany and USSR under Stalin. And only under Stalin. Everything else were dictatorships, not totalitarianism. Kings had nothing to do with totalitarianism, and their power ranges dramatically from government to government. Communism and fascism are incredibly different, because for one, communism is theoretical concept from Karl Marx, while other is term for real world types of society. What you think of is socialism. And even than, they varied dramatically from case to case basis.

Totalitarianism didn't have any special power of telling someone who to love or hate, it only cultivated and amplified what was already there. Ideology is only natural element of being human, after all.

TES doesn't get any credit because it's rarely well written, and we would be talking about Arena, Daggerfall and Battlespire (only titles before Baldur's Gate and Fallout).
LootHunter: I think that Europe history is the history most western people are familiar with and thus can draw inspiration from it or use it as a setting. As for being interesting, it definitely had more notable events (I've already mentioned wars and scientific discoveries) than any other continent. Well, maybe except Asia. But I don't remember much people asking for more games about China history or inclusion of more asians.

Or you can prove me wrong?
Any single country will have so many notable events in its history, recorded and unrecorded, that it takes people lifetimes to study them, therefore every continent will have more history than any one person can ever know. There's so much that's interesting anywhere anybody would care to look.

LootHunter: Yes, I think that there are more historically significant figures among white men. But it doesn't mean that I think that "white man" is more interesting than "black man" or "white woman". There are simply more archetypes among white men (conqurer Napoleon, scientist Einstein, king Richard) that aurhors can draw inspiration from.
I think this is a very negative thing. Someone may believe that there are more historically significant figures among white men because all the history and stories that they have grown up with are dominated by the white men. If the same person were part of a society that had a more diverse set of popular characters, it might be easier for that person to assume that there are more non white-men in the world that are worthy of having stories told about them than white men that are. I believe that.

kohlrak: For the same reason tropes exist to begin with, which is the same reason stereotypes exist: they're useful. Don't get me wrong, if it wasn't for the over-representation of certain racial groups in certain activities (like sports) in a country dominated by another racial group, we wouldn't have stereotypes involving those racial groups in sports. If [snip].
Stereotypes are certainly useful if you're trying to achieve certain things. One of the things that stereotypes are good for is overlooking individual people, developing the sort of mentality that treats people as what they are before they know who they are. It's certainly easier to reduce people to stereotypes, negative or positive. I don't think we should be going for what's easy.

Alright this might be the last I say on these issues. It's been interesting discussion but it's been getting me down a lot too. If I fail to reply to anybody don't think I'm shutting you out please!
Thanks for taking part everybody.
JoeSapphire: We already have so many "strong white man and sexy woman" narratives, that it's easiest thing for everybody to make new ones. Which is why it's not a bad thing to push for games that break the mould - because we want to make a shift in what people find easy to engage with.
In a fashion it is a bad thing to push in this way. There is so much pushback against this sort of thing because people are trying to tell others what they should enjoy, which is a minor attack on a person's autonomy. The way to do it right is make more games with diversity, do a good job with them, and then people will choose them - or not- based on what they're interested in.

I would have no problem at all with more diverse games, there's plenty of room for more games in addition to the ones we already have, the problem comes because of the attempted destruction of more traditional games. Trying to take away my ability to enjoy a game with sexy women is not the same thing as making another game without sexy women in it for people to enjoy that like that sort of thing. One is trying to take away my autonomy and ability to choose the entertainment that I enjoy, the other is creating a more diverse array of games for people to choose from, so if they don't like sexy women in their game they have a game option for them.

Try reversing it and see how it sounds; if we had activists telling people that any game that doesn't have sexy women in it is problematic. Or any game that doesn't have a strong male lead is spreading toxic femininity or something. And if you don't like sexy women in your games then you're a neo-sexist and should be doxxed and hounded until you're fired from your job. It's ridiculous.
low rated
JoeSapphire: Any single country will have so many notable events in its history, recorded and unrecorded
If those events were notable why they were unrecorded?

JoeSapphire: it takes people lifetimes to study them, therefore every continent will have more history than any one person can ever know. There's so much that's interesting anywhere anybody would care to look.
Exactly. One should care to look. But most players don't care to look. Thus a developers, who spent their time to dig up some plots and archetypes from obscure history, risk that their work wouldn't "resonate" with their audience.

Again, if devs themselves think that they want to bring some issue to the players at their own risk, then it's their choice. But if they want to play safe, who are you to blame them?

JoeSapphire: I think this is a very negative thing. Someone may believe that there are more historically significant figures among white men because all the history and stories that they have grown up with are dominated by the white men.
You are essenitally putting the cart before the horse. Most historically significant figures were leaders, scientists and artists of the Europe. Europeans were white and most Europeans who did partake in historical deeds were men. That's why history and stories are dominated by characters based on those European men.

Not the other way around. Most modern protagonists are white. That's why white men dominated in the past. Because that's what your reasoning is!

JoeSapphire: If the same person were part of a society that had a more diverse set of popular characters, it might be easier for that person to assume that there are more non white-men in the world that are worthy of having stories told about them than white men that are. I believe that.
I think, you are wrong. Example - red haired people in World of Warcraft. Most NPCs in WoW are red. Does it affect WoW players? Do WoW players think that red haired people are more common that people who don't play WoW? I seriously doubt it, as I never heard WoW playres show some special interest in red haired people. Because by your logic they should.