darthspudius: Saved us from more bloated shit like And Justice For All which funnily enough happened on Death Fridgemagnet. An awful album.
Well, it all comes down to individual taste i guess; And Justice for All is an album i enjoy listening although the sound is awful (especially the boomy bass) but it's nowhere near the quality of the previous albums or Load for me. ReLoad never amazed me... Not a bad album, not a very good either although it has its moments. Still prefer it to St. Anger or Death Magnetic though.
As for Opeth, I don't think mr. Wilson ruined them -- quite the opposite in fact. Even though they changed quite a bit through the years, especially if you compare their great first album (Orchid) to Still Life, Watershed & Heritage -- they never ceased to amaze me. Not everyone has the same opinion though, especially for the latest 3 albums, which is totally understandable. Maybe 10 years before i would have been let down too, who knows...