Vainamoinen: The Pegida crapheads may not all be nazis, but they are bumfuckingly stupid.
You mean to say, that nobody in this movement ever mostly cared about the severe misogyny, homophobia, looking down at other beliefs, inducing violent thoughts and other severe crap from Islam (i.e. Quran)? This would be sad.
How could you know? Do you know them all personally? At least one? I figured you more like the kind of person that doesn't talk to just anyone and likes his sworn enemies at a distance to not accidentally begin understanding them in part.
The first time I've heard about this movement on the radio many months ago it was such a one-sided "Nazi"-bashing without reporting about anything they actually say, that I accepted, that I won't get to know anything substantial about them easily so I ended up not judging the group at all.
Regarding the Christian colour of the German state:
I'd be the first to get rid of it since it's unconstitutional anyway.
I want strict separation of Church and State all the way without exceptions.
Regarding Eva Hermann:
Even conservatives we don't aggree with have the right of free speech and shouldn't be silenced, although I don't like them to have authority over me either of course (see CDU).
What this culture here lacks is the respect for differing opinions and political engagement of the complainers.
If I remember correctly, you are a non-voter.
Speaking of "divide and conquer":
That's what this whole artificial "left vs. right" thing you are so entangled in is all about:
Keeping the little ones at each other's throats so that they don't rage upwards.