flanner: BUT! ! ! ! ! defending europe and its culture can not be considered as tendence to nationalism (national socialism, nazi ... etc) because europe IS NOT one nation.
despite all you maybe mean about me, i dont mind certain level of multiculture. i like to visit vietnamese areal with their shops and canteens with bun-cha here in prague, called little hanoi. in my work i often meet chineses, christian touaregs from algeria, hindu indians..
but i never come to terms of islam presence in europe. it's richly proven that islam is mycelium of terrorism, and mosques, exacted by so called moderate muslim's communities, serves after time as bases for radical islam. it is ussual model - moderate islam first, then gradually risen demands.
We got nearly as mania Asians (mostly Vietnamese and Taiwanese) people here and although they are living in a parallel culture as well and don't speak German too well, nobody (including the supposed nationalists) has anything against them, because they are nice people and apart from some cigarette smuggling mostly lawful. Needless to say that they come from pretty bad backgrounds too but these groups are often Buddhists (which make awesome vegetarian and vegan food, yummy) or not religious at all. They are usually way more racist (would never consider marrying themselves, their children or their grandchildren to Europeans) than the native population, this is sad but I wouldn't know what to do about it.
If multiculturalism should have taught us anything, it should be the ability to understand foreign perspectives, so people should really try to understand these young men that think it's no problem to assault the local women.
Imagine you...
- are raised in a way and at a location where you often haven't even spoken to a female stranger, let alone seen her face or (ermagerd) seen her in a slightly revealing outfit
- were probably never allowed to drink alcohol before (which is known for lowering inhibitions) and don't know which dosis has which effect
- have been brought up with a belief system that tells you the exact place of women in society under men and that free women who are not hiding themselves, are driving cars, earning their living themselves, are not raised to be household pets and mothers and are roaming the streets in a supposedly "shameless way" are sluts anyway
- have learned how to publicly shame "sluts" and have your "fun" with it at the same time
- have been raised to rather get others convert towards your vastly superior belief system than respecting theirs and trying to adapt
- are entering a society which is in many ways the exact opposite of what you consider to be "honorable" alongside a huge amount of people that are exactly like you, even the same gender and age
Really, try to understand this perspective and you understand why all this happens and why Islam can't be ignored as the major part of the problem, every (muslim) immigrant that has entered Europe in smaller numbers and has taken his time to understand our ways does see that, but the native Europeans are still in denial nonetheless.
In all their supposed multiculturalism, Europeans still don't know anything about cultures that are really different to theirs and are so deeply rooted in their ways (which often isn't a bad thing), that they simply can't imagine anything different to exist and simply deny its existence, even if the resulting problems are all around them.
All ways (including the nice ones) to improve the situation are blocked by this European narrow mindedness, total lack of understanding and resulting ignorance.
edit: grammar