Kind of a bummer, Mafia II was epic awesome from the time I spent in it. This game looks pale in comparison, although the in-engine cut scenes and mo-cap are rather epic. Hopefully they at least fix all the terrible bugs and crappy AI though. That could turn it around somewhat. They also have to deal with the lame 720p upscaled graphics and capped framerate though, that's just pure epic ripoff.
Bugs are expected in modern big complex games, but the ones showing in numerous youtube videos now scream of alpha-code release of an unfinished game to me. I really do hope that they fix it up though and come clean. They'll take a hit on the current quality, but could pick it up later. Other games have came out of the gate like that before and cleaned up via updates and went on to have high ratings.
I look forward to Angry Joe's final verdict though, and also Ben Croshaw.