EBWOP - and I only needed a minute more before I would have gottne my correction up on time. Thanks Sage103082. ;)
Erp, no... RWarehall didn't die in a fire. I meant dedoporno, obviously. *bonks self on the head*
Now I get to wait for the forum timer to tick down. At least this time, you guys won't be spammed by You-Tube links during this time.
Instead, umm... *sigh* fine...
trentonlf: @Krypsyn, care to elaborate on RWarehall? I'm still not sure where you are seeing a scum tell.
I just didn't like the way he acted all of Day 1. He tended to sit on the sidelines with opinoins, always giving himself a way out. And, he was
very careful to never to come after me with anything that might resemble an OMGUS post. In fact, towards the end, I sensed he was trying to subtly buddy up to me. It just seemed like he was trying too hard to not make anyone notice him too hard, or nail him down later on anything firm stance. You guys can buy it, or not, but it is just the overall feeling of his posts. Perhaps I am misreading him, it
has happened before.
Yeesh, that only took 5 minutes?
What else, what else.. okay.. sure, why not? It has to do with RWarehall after all.
I don't think RWarehall meant anything by that zombie thing. He was making a joke about movies in general, most likely. When I mentioned zombies, it was me adding silly context that was nowhere in my PM. I suppose RWarehall could have been breadcrumbing, but I wouldn't read too much into the zombie thing just because I used the same word.