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Leonard03: Well that is interesting, it means that he knew from the start you were coming back to life, so why wasn't it in the opening day post?
Most of the roles so far have evidenced some handicap. Assuming Kryp didn't blow himself up (we know his shot failed presumably since RW is still amongst us), perhaps whoever the shooter was on the scum side had a chance of inflicting wounds of varying severity.

Though the time delay does at least tend to point back instead toward the 'revival' theory. Maybe.

I was reading last night (when I should have been polishing off my resume - it's close to done, I swear!) about a setup called the 'Rusty Guillotine' where those lynched get to stick around to chat for the following day.
trentonlf: @JMich Bookwyrm had already given his reads on people and his thoughts. Only thing he could have provided before lynch was a role claim, and I've already said my peace on that one enough times. As I keep saying, weak argument everyone is trying to use.
JMich: So what is the "Property Owner" tag he had? Is that some info we could have gained? Could it be someone is trying to off those people, so we have subgroups of town we need to look out for? Does the "trainee doctor" mean he was a doctor with limited chance of success, or is that confirmation that there is another doctor, so we could have someone step forward and claim cop, knowing the doctor could be protecting him, so the game would be cracked wide open on Day 2?
Waiting for a claim is never detrimental. Worse case scenario, no new info is gained. Best case scenario, game is won by that claim, even if the claimee is lynched. Do keep that in mind for the next games.
I have no idea what e property owner is, sound like someone who owns some property. If there is another doctor or a cop do you want scum to know? I do not. Worst case scenario is there's no flips and people buy a scums lies.

Any game I play in I will hammer someone if I feel they are scum and need to be lynched.

It's funny I gave my reasons for lynching Bookwyrm and hammered so I'm being seen as scum for it. Yet, flub voted for no real reason other than to avoid a no lynch because of a deadline that was never given, JMich voted just to prove Yogs wrong, and Cristi voted just because she felt Bookwyrm was being a distraction. Any of these getting second looks? No, because people keep making a weak argument about my hammer and that's it.

A deadline was implied but never given, a petty vote to prove someone wrong is scummy because it does not help town at all, and there were lots of distractions day one (hello Krypsyn) so another weak reason to vote.

Funny how some votes were put on JMich and all of a sudden there's a flurry of votes on Bookwyrm on flimsy reasons. And now the next day we focus on the hammer and none of the preceding votes that were even scummier.

I have my vote on Cristi and I'll keep it there for now.

@Krypsyn, care to elaborate on RWarehall? I'm still not sure where you are seeing a scum tell.
trentonlf: Funny how some votes were put on JMich and all of a sudden there's a flurry of votes on Bookwyrm on flimsy reasons. And now the next day we focus on the hammer and none of the preceding votes that were even scummier.
Okay, by all means. If you want to go down that road I'm happy to go with you - make the case on what can be gleaned about who looks suspicious from the other votes and un-votes (and to be fair, non-votes) on wyrm leading up to the hammer.
trentonlf: It's funny I gave my reasons for lynching Bookwyrm and hammered so I'm being seen as scum for it.
You do realize it's neither your vote, nor the hammer that paints you as scum, don't you? It's that you didn't wait for a claim, on very flimsy reasons (if there was no flip, people would be stupid enough to believe whatever claim there might have been). The possibility of flips was discarded as improbable, the possibility of any claim being discarded also ignored.
Please, do not treat your fellow players as idiots. Let the claim be made, and let us decide if it should be believed or not. Do not be quick to hammer, because that does look quite scummy.
trentonlf: Funny how some votes were put on JMich and all of a sudden there's a flurry of votes on Bookwyrm on flimsy reasons. And now the next day we focus on the hammer and none of the preceding votes that were even scummier.
bler144: Okay, by all means. If you want to go down that road I'm happy to go with you - make the case on what can be gleaned about who looks suspicious from the other votes and un-votes (and to be fair, non-votes) on wyrm leading up to the hammer.
I am on my phone so I can not link posts, later this evening when I'm on my PC and can adakibooks script I'll link posts and my thoughts.
trentonlf: It's funny I gave my reasons for lynching Bookwyrm and hammered so I'm being seen as scum for it.
JMich: You do realize it's neither your vote, nor the hammer that paints you as scum, don't you? It's that you didn't wait for a claim, on very flimsy reasons (if there was no flip, people would be stupid enough to believe whatever claim there might have been). The possibility of flips was discarded as improbable, the possibility of any claim being discarded also ignored.
Please, do not treat your fellow players as idiots. Let the claim be made, and let us decide if it should be believed or not. Do not be quick to hammer, because that does look quite scummy.
I have not treated anyone like an idiot. If you feel I have then you are over reacting. You believe a claim would have made a difference and I do not. Pretty sure I'm not going to chance your mind and you're not going to change mine. Trying to make me look bad by saying I'm treating others like idiots is you're doing and saying not mine. My reasoning might not be your reasoning but that does not make it wrong or paint anyone in the light of an idiot.
trentonlf: I have not treated anyone like an idiot. If you feel I have then you are over reacting.
Let me quote your post that makes me feel you are treating others like idiots.

trentonlf: Worst case scenario is there's no flips and people buy a scums lies.
Why would anyone believe anything if there is no flip? Only way to verify if someone was telling the truth, is if they flip town. If they don't flip town, nothing is verified, though if they do flip town, their behavior may cause people to not trust their posts.

So, option 1) Wyrm flips town. Claim is believed. Option 2) Wyrm flips scum. Claim is ignored. Option 3) Wyrm flips neutral. Claim is evaluated, and people decide if they should believe it due to hunch, or ignore it due to lack of verification. Option 4) There is no flip. Refer to option 3.

If people do believe a claim from someone that didn't flip, instead of treating it like a scum claim, then yes, I do question their intelligence. If someone assumes people will believe such a claim and tries to "protect" them from having to deal with one, he either thinks his co-players are idiots who cannot do a proper evaluation of a claim, or he has malicious intent. Remind me, what is the quote about malice and stupidity?

trentonlf: You believe a claim would have made a difference and I do not.
Small correction. I believe a claim may have made a difference. It may not make one, but lack of a claim will never make a difference. So between possibility of a difference and lack of a difference, I'll choose the possibility.
trentonlf: I have not treated anyone like an idiot. If you feel I have then you are over reacting.
JMich: Let me quote your post that makes me feel you are treating others like idiots.

trentonlf: Worst case scenario is there's no flips and people buy a scums lies.
JMich: Why would anyone believe anything if there is no flip? Only way to verify if someone was telling the truth, is if they flip town. If they don't flip town, nothing is verified, though if they do flip town, their behavior may cause people to not trust their posts.

So, option 1) Wyrm flips town. Claim is believed. Option 2) Wyrm flips scum. Claim is ignored. Option 3) Wyrm flips neutral. Claim is evaluated, and people decide if they should believe it due to hunch, or ignore it due to lack of verification. Option 4) There is no flip. Refer to option 3.

If people do believe a claim from someone that didn't flip, instead of treating it like a scum claim, then yes, I do question their intelligence. If someone assumes people will believe such a claim and tries to "protect" them from having to deal with one, he either thinks his co-players are idiots who cannot do a proper evaluation of a claim, or he has malicious intent. Remind me, what is the quote about malice and stupidity?

trentonlf: You believe a claim would have made a difference and I do not.
JMich: Small correction. I believe a claim may have made a difference. It may not make one, but lack of a claim will never make a difference. So between possibility of a difference and lack of a difference, I'll choose the possibility.
What I said was worst case scenario did not say anyone was an idiot. If there had been no flip and a scum is lynched and claims they were town *place role here* and people believe them that is a worst case scenario. You have no way of knowing if they were town or scum and choose to believe them when they say they were town, that does not make someone an idiot. If you think it does then that's on you as I did not infer that.

As I said you choose to believe the role claim might have made a difference I do not.

Shall we continue this smokescreen you are creating here or move on to actual scum hinting ?
JMich: If people do believe a claim from someone that didn't flip, instead of treating it like a scum claim, then yes, I do question their intelligence. If someone assumes people will believe such a claim and tries to "protect" them from having to deal with one, he either thinks his co-players are idiots who cannot do a proper evaluation of a claim, or he has malicious intent. Remind me, what is the quote about malice and stupidity?
I really don't think Trent called anybody an idiot, or even implied it. I don't like his hasty hammer either, but I think you're beyond the line on this one.

Either he's Scum and made a good play for his team to stifle discussion, or he's Town and just made what I would call a mistake in strategy - but actual idiocy isn't involved on anybody's part. Not cool, man.

btw, I'm unlikely to vote Trent today, fast hammer or no. I'm obviously slower to vote Today, but there are two or three names I'd put above his at this point.
Vitek: Decent visuals but story seems lacking so far. Gameplay is so-so but hopefully it will pick itself up.
RWarehall: It gets better when the zombies attack...
Anything to this comment above?
Oh, funny story. I was actually tempted to try to use my Vigilante power on dedoporno; he was really pinging my scumdar hard. I didn't, because flubbucket had asked about using a Vig shot on whomever one was voting for, and I had replied int he affirmative with no caveats or exceptions made. So, I sort of wanted to see where that led, if anywhere, since I was the most certain of my actions. So, true to my word, I went after RWarehall. Just as well, since RWarehalls seems to have died in a fire.

I wonder if my response to flubbucket is one of the reasons, if not the main reason, I was Night Killed. Oh, yeah, it was a gunshot in the flavor, so I am 95% certain my kill was the Mafia kill.
Krypsyn: Oh, funny story. I was actually tempted to try to use my Vigilante power on dedoporno; he was really pinging my scumdar hard. I didn't, because flubbucket had asked about using a Vig shot on whomever one was voting for, and I had replied int he affirmative with no caveats or exceptions made. So, I sort of wanted to see where that led, if anywhere, since I was the most certain of my actions. So, true to my word, I went after RWarehall. Just as well, since dedopornos seems to have died in a fire.

I wonder if my response to flubbucket is one of the reasons, if not the main reason, I was Night Killed. Oh, yeah, it was a gunshot in the flavor, so I am 95% certain my kill was the Mafia kill.
Fixed that for you. =)
EBWOP - and I only needed a minute more before I would have gottne my correction up on time. Thanks Sage103082. ;)

Erp, no... RWarehall didn't die in a fire. I meant dedoporno, obviously. *bonks self on the head*

Now I get to wait for the forum timer to tick down. At least this time, you guys won't be spammed by You-Tube links during this time.

Instead, umm... *sigh* fine...

trentonlf: @Krypsyn, care to elaborate on RWarehall? I'm still not sure where you are seeing a scum tell.
I just didn't like the way he acted all of Day 1. He tended to sit on the sidelines with opinoins, always giving himself a way out. And, he was very careful to never to come after me with anything that might resemble an OMGUS post. In fact, towards the end, I sensed he was trying to subtly buddy up to me. It just seemed like he was trying too hard to not make anyone notice him too hard, or nail him down later on anything firm stance. You guys can buy it, or not, but it is just the overall feeling of his posts. Perhaps I am misreading him, it has happened before.

Yeesh, that only took 5 minutes?

What else, what else.. okay.. sure, why not? It has to do with RWarehall after all.

I don't think RWarehall meant anything by that zombie thing. He was making a joke about movies in general, most likely. When I mentioned zombies, it was me adding silly context that was nowhere in my PM. I suppose RWarehall could have been breadcrumbing, but I wouldn't read too much into the zombie thing just because I used the same word.
My vote on Leonard remains for the time being. While I understand that he hasn't had much time to post, I still feel that the contributions he has made have been of little value.

Honestly, the only other person that I may vote for just yet is trenton, and that's only because of his current belligerence in the face of questioning and the fact that he didn't really give Bookwyrm an opportunity to defend himself or make a claim. Now on to something that I'm sure you'll all find at least a bit scummy.

General Question: Would anyone be interested in sharing more of their PM flavour? Yogsloth shared his, as did bler, and of course so did I. The world hasn't imploded, and quite frankly I think that yog may be onto something with his 'piecing things together' talk.
trentonlf: What I said was worst case scenario did not say anyone was an idiot. If there had been no flip and a scum is lynched and claims they were town *place role here* and people believe them that is a worst case scenario.
And assuming people of normal intelligence (aka your and mine), I do find that highly unlikely. So unless you have it at the same level as spontaneously combusting while driving a rental car, then I do see it as highly improbable, and not worth mentioning. Yet you justify your quickhammer due to that worst case scenario...

trentonlf: Shall we continue this smokescreen you are creating here or move on to actual scum hinting ?
Please, by all means, do hint at who is scum. Then explain said knowledge.
Unless you meant hunting, in which case I thought we already are. I go after the one whose vote timing and reasoning for it I found highly suspicious, you go after the one you think as scummier. Could you please remind me who that is? Ah, yes, cristi, for more or less the same reasons as me. Questioning you about the quickhammer.

yogsloth: I really don't think Trent called anybody an idiot, or even implied it.
Let me quote myself again.
JMich: Please, do not treat your fellow players as idiots.
I don't say he calls the other players idiots, but if he quickhammers because he thinks people will believe a claim with no flip, then I do question his logic. Since I do believe trent to be at least as intelligent as the rest of the players (myself included), I do fear that he may be underestimating the intelligence of the other players.

So, is trent using the "highly unlikely, almost impossible scenario" as an excuse for the quick hammer, or does he truly believe that it is a likely scenario? Or is there another option I haven't thought of?