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RWarehall: ...Krypsen vote hopping without a real explanation...
It was too much lens flare! *looks around suspiciously for J.J. Abrams*
Giggles. Seems a bit OMGUS but ok. I can see some of the reasons for Kypsyns votes. So I am not going to jump on him for it. As of right now I am more inclined to see how things go before voting on anyone seriously. I did not vote you. I merely pointed out something that bothered me. It is a bit nice to know it hit a sore spot. Noted. Though from something you said I am unsure your alignment yet as we need to see more information and how things play out.

which reminds me UNOVTE CSVPG
RWarehall: ...Krypsen vote hopping without a real explanation...
Krypsyn: It was too much lens flare! *looks around suspiciously for J.J. Abrams*
And nothing too damning for you. Just pointing out how there have been a lot of little things far more serious than the words "Us town" to avoid third-person.

What really bothers me most is that this comes right after you say everyone should pile-on and vote for me, but "conveniently" my post is called out as suspicious without a vote. As if this is an attempt to push a wagon without getting on it, leaving plausible deniability when I flip town...
I am sorry if I upset you but I am going to point out anything I find off. I did not find it enough to vote for you nor did I ask anyone else to place a vote on you. I only pointed out that to me it didnt feel right.
CSPVG: As for the game, all I really have to add for the moment is that Bookwyrm, and to a lesser extent bler, are attempting to be so obfuscatory with all his little 'slips' and 'claims' that I think best practice in dealing with him, for the moment is:
@flub - sorry about the job situation. :(

I know I'm the newbie, but I think everyone is being obfuscatory to some extent, whether it's through posting unrelated links, or making a charge just to draw a reaction, etc. It's unlikely more than 1-2 players here haven't at least been blowing fog on the mirror at least some of the time. For me, at times the zig/zagging has probably been accidental or inexperience admittedly, and at other times more intentional. And at other times being half-asleep and half-drunk.

While I think I've latched on to a particular player as my north star here for general direction in how I might like my play to evolve, I do have to say that I actually agree with Kryp on this post:

Not, per se, that I think people take it too seriously, but that we overestimate our intuition in a game where random variability is high. Especially as we don't even know the roles/factions in play. And we tend to remember the times we were right and underplay the times we are wrong. "I voted wrong the first 4 nights, but that fifth night, by gum, I was right! I knew it all along!"

Perhaps trent/yog's past acrimony is serving them for cover here - they came out hard against each other early. On the other hand if it turns out the third faction is vikings, well, then we know who tipped their hand.

The stagecraft and the dance make it fun, but presumably all we'll really know come day 2 is body count as we try and suss out what in that was feint, what was WIFOM, etc. etc. Someone may well guess the right target for entirely the wrong reasons.

Maybe Bookwyrm is begging for an investigation, but if the game is unbalanced as it's been described and there are insane cops (I wiki'ed it - I'm totes pro now) that would seem an overly bold early move, and would tend to backfire, since you'd essentially have a double negative, no?

I'd still personally prefer to sit no vote, but if people think there's something to be sussed out of a good ol' hanging (even just moving the game forward I'm willing to play along.

That said, my general leaning on who to vote for if I do vote really hasn't changed that much. I still think Kryp is hiding something significant and that the early self-vote was intentional as a feint, and with agentcarr now on board but leonard stepping out, I'd tend to either go back to my initial vote for Kryp, as much as I enjoy the links, or to leonard who's going to be functionally anti-town in absence regardless of what his role actual is.

Of the folks bickering, sure it's likely at least one (or more) of them is guilty and the raging is cover, but I don't really buy that any of them have slipped in a way that we could detect at this point - though a hunch could still turn out to be correct of course, oh, say maybe 29% of the time.
bler144: That said, my general leaning on who to vote for if I do vote really hasn't changed that much. I still think Kryp is hiding something significant and that the early self-vote was intentional as a feint, and with agentcarr now on board but leonard stepping out, I'd tend to either go back to my initial vote for Kryp, as much as I enjoy the links, or to leonard who's going to be functionally anti-town in absence regardless of what his role actual is.
I am always scum, so your vote makes perfect sense. As a bonus, I might be the prettiest princess again!
You got competition..
Oh noes! How will I ever compete with the pink hair?!

Anyone have any spare hemlock laying around? The way Shakespeare seems to have it laying everywhere in his plays, it must grow on trees! Is it like a carrot or something? I will poison the rival princess with carrots!

Hopefully, she isn't in another castle...
She is always in another castle or she just wants to be friends. What is with this friend zone thing? Come on. I battle and work my way through dungeon after dungeon just to get a peak on the cheek and then spend 39.99 to do it all over again with different backgrounds.
Inorite? Total BS.

Bookwyrm2 – trentonlf, yogsloth
yogsloth2 – JMich, Bookwyrm
cristigale – 1 – Leonard
dedoporno – 1 – flubbucket
no-lynch – 1 - bler
RWarehall – 1 – Krypsyn
Sage – 1 – Rwarehall

not voting – 5 - agentcarr, dedoporno, CSPVG, cristigale, Sage

Bookwyrm and yogsloth are closest to lynch with 2 votes.

Deadline was not deemed neccessary yet.
Watching what everyone else is doing, I'm a bit skeptical we'll get any serious votes (or bring in non-voters off the fence) until there's an actual deadline on the table.

So uh, having said that this is a totally serious, well-reasoned decision that I will absolutely not be changing between now and any future deadline:

Unvote no-lynch
Vote Sage
for president, 2016
Krypsyn: As a bonus, I might be the prettiest princess again!
I'm afraid not. You're even being beaten out by No Lynch.
Bookwyrm627: I'm afraid not. You're even being beaten out by No Lynch.
So, I’m full of hot dogs, had enough parades, and am skipping the firework because I feel that once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen ‘em all.

First, some admin things:

flubbucket: I received an early 4th of July present for my job....they are closing our facility.
Very sorry to hear that flub. I know it’s not very much consolation, but I hope you can find that berating and humiliating the rest of us for the next few weeks might prove to be a bit of a welcome distraction.

Leonard03: Also, I just realized I made a big mistake. You know when I said I was gone the first week of August? That should have been July.
Well, the way I see it, we’re unlikely to have accomplished much in the next week anyway. Given that Leonard is usually good at participation, this game starting on Canada Day and going right into him being gone for a week… I’m willing to give him a pass and say we shouldn’t bother replacing him. He can catch up adequately next week, and we’ll probably still be in Day 1 anyway.


OK, so what did I miss?

Krypsyn: Still waiting for those examples, BTW. Or, was that just a lot of hot air?
Examples of what… inanity? You can figure it out, YouTube boy.

Bookwyrm627: The fact that it was you, yogsloth, that received my changed vote is incidental, and someone else entirely is (half) to blame for it (with me being the other half, since I actually cast the vote). I've already stated the method to this particular piece of madness. Do you think you can figure out what reason I'll state for voting for you?
Oh, I feel better, then. I’m an “incidental” vote, voted on for a reason that you’ll “state”, but not necessarily believe. That’s much better.

JMich: By "this ****" you mean not participate in idle chit-chat? Or wait for more actions and reactions? Or even playing the game in a different way than you?
Yes. No. Yes. Both. What?

agentcarr16: lots of notes
Hey agent, more like this please. In fact, you promised to read more and post more notes. That was almost 24 hours ago. Ya still with us?

RWarehall: The issue is with general honesty, you can expect scum to have to put blinders on to protect their interests and when you spot it, you've got them. Us town, with no information to go on, have nothing to protect.
Erg. Awkward turn of phrasing there. I see you were called on this by others and didn’t like it. Just noting it myself.

CSPVG: Before anyone says so, yes I did share my PM info, but as I said (or believe I said, I haven't gone back to check, nor do I remember) I did it more out of boredom and a belief that my PM's flavour really isn't that vital to anyone. Perhaps scum can use it to structure a claim, but I don't what a shared contains all that they need.
Well, I started it, so I think in the long run it will be useful. Bookwrym’s antics have distracted us all – me more than most it seems – but I still believe getting the lay of the land is going to be a key to winning. It’s the exact same feeling I had in the beginning of the milk game. We just don't know who the bad guys are. If we could have figured out in the milk game there were two Mafia factions, it might have saved us some headaches. I think we're in the same place now. One big city Mafia? Two mafias, small town and big city? What are their agendas? What would a neutral want to accomplish? What are their motivations? I don't think we can hurt ourselves here, because talking about our characters and what they want is going to force Scum to lie and guess, and forcing people to lie - and catching it - is how you win. TRENT.

But yes, that just pisses too many people off. So be it.

Krypsyn: Unvote: RWarehall

Krypsyn: Unvote: CSPVG
Vote: RWarehall
It’s like you’re still playing the space game. I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but at some point, you’re going to have to explain to pea-brains like me what this is all about. I mean, I get made fun of for “vote hopping”. You’re vote-puking.

Bookwyrm627: The particular flavor of various reactions is simply to be noted. Cristigale seems to be mostly amused, you seem to be confused, yogsloth and trent both think I'm being audacious scum, while Krypsyn and Dedo both seem to be watching to see what happens (with Dedo even encouraging me some), and some other players have had no apparent reaction (skipping those, like Flub, that have much more pressing life concerns). Lacking other data points, every single one of these reactions are valid. In later days, however, something may come up where one of these reactions becomes more telling about a player being town or scum.
Hey man, you know I love active players and active games. I’ll take a funny, entertaining player over a dozen cold logicians every day of the week. While there is some truth to what you’re saying here about information and reactions, it’s not truth that precludes origination from the bad guys. Yes, it’s Day 1. Yes, I have bupkus all to go on and am already feeling a bit of “rerun frustration” settling in (especially with no deadline for end-of-day, o god help us), but there is no doubt in my mind that what you’re doing is just… I mean, can I say too much fun? Help me out here. I spent half the milk game howling that Sage was the scummiest player and needed to be lynched, and nobody believed me. I spent the ENTIRE game show game howling that JMich was the scummiest player, and nobody believed me. And now you’re just ticking over all my boxes, man.

bler144: I'd still personally prefer to sit no vote, but if people think there's something to be sussed out of a good ol' hanging (even just moving the game forward I'm willing to play along.
Let me add my voice to the choir. No-lynch is bad, especially Day one. You learn nothing and more than likely, start the next day with nothing new and a dead Townie.

So, gonna be a long Day. Let Bookwyrm explain himself more fully, and maybe I’ll back off. Else I think I’m just going to be sitting here for a while.