Goddamn, I just can't get this all done. Here's what I have so far and maybe I have to add more later:
CSPVG: I watched yogsloth night 1, and found that, other than myself, he was visited by dedo.
That’s impossible. That’s
iterally impossible. There is something that stinks to hell here – none of this is making any sense.
Night 1 I commuted. I am HIGHLY tempted to quote the exact part of the PM, because it very specifically names the watcher as one of the roles that is affected. I know my choice to commute night 1 wasn’t strategically the best, but that Saturday afternoon, that’s the way I was feeling – to just duck down and GTFO – and so that’s what I did. My PM is very explicit – I can’t be killed, I can’t be tracked…
I can’t be watched. This is the hill I will die on. If I was outright lied to by the moderator, I am going to be explosively pissed off, because I feel like there is misinformation flowing everywhere.
But let’s back up to flub’s claim.
1) Flub self-claims serial killer, and some of you just swallow everything he says down in one go, without question? God knows in this hot mess of a game what could be possible – but I am not inclined to just slap my vote down without thinking things through, and I’m shocked that several of you already seem to have done exactly that.
2) He says one of the players is guaranteed to be “anti-town”. What does that mean? Does it mean “Scum” exclusively? You’re a sucker if you think somehow such a ridiculous message would be that straightforward, and I have a bridge to sell you.
3) This is really a thing? The moderator is spoon-feeding scum rosters to the "Town" serial killer? Really? Does this make sense to anybody from a structural standpoint?
Somehow, some way, we are being led on by the game itself in order to bow and scrape to serve the arsonist. The whole game is set up somehow this way.
bler144: There was a Night 0, so I've had three runs. I'm not sure who else, if anyone would have had an action that night, but I did.
I ****ing knew it! I knew it! You all made fun of me, but I was right again! Dammit.
RWarehall: I'll just say this, logic dictates with all the "established" roles, with 14 players, we almost have to have 3 scum left out of 8.
*sigh* I don’t agree.
CSPVG: On night two, I watched RWarehall and found that, other than myself, he was visited by bler. Yes, I know how this one looks. Bler has already shared this information, and therefore it would be easy enough for me to come up with a claim like this. All that I can say is that this is what I did last night. I got the results I got, and that's it.
So after claiming to watch me, which was impossible, you watched a player currently under threat of quick lynch after Bler already said his action? Great, thanks.
Sage103082: =) If you are scum and you listen closely you can hear it. SHH listen. "I have been right in all my targets as town and as scum I was able to convince everyone to go after my picks.'
lol,thanks. I’ll remember that some day.
So here’s where I’m at. I had trent scored pretty firmly as Town, but now I am asked to believe through process of elimination that he is “anti-Town”. Not Scum, but “anti-Town”. Is it fair to say that a “Madbomber” that kills randomly is an anti-Town role? Except, of course, that trent sent in his night action and now claims it simply didn’t happen. Is he lying? Or did his role simply not work – just like Krypsyn and apparently just like me? Is that the gig – that our roles are all lies and don’t work?
I want everyone to think this through for a minute:
Flub makes a post that one of trent or me MUST be Scum. Some of you, without bothering to think this through, throw a vote down. Let’s say we lynch trent and he flips Town – or you lynch me and I flip Town. Who do you vote for the next day? The other guy, right? Without a thought, with speed, in a hurry? Remind me of how many players are left, again? What happens if we mis-lynch two days in a row? Some of you are shocking in your carelessness and haste right now.
So here’s where I’m at. Trent’s Day 3 role claim and subsequent defense of his actions are pretty bluntly scum-tastic. I mean, hello:
trentonlf: I don't want to believe flub, I have yogs so town that his claim seems totally implausible.
(ten seconds later, in the same post):
I believe yogs and RWarehall are scum, not sure if they are the only two or not.
Thanks, trent.
Vote trentonlf I’m willing to take the ridiculous risk that it does all add up that trent was scum.
But if he flips Town, then the bullcrap is flowing free and wide and it’s not the players’ fault.
If trent flips Town, I will
BEG every player with an investigative roll to use it on me. Somebody has to have a Cop ability – Role cop – anything, everything. I am not going to full role claim today – I need confirmation from somebody else because my overall feeling is we’re being railroaded. It seems obvious to me that this entire damn game is focused on and geared around trying to get the Arsonist to succeed. Giving him a Town-aligned bodyguard? And TWO doctors? And the attempt on his life magically fails? The Arsonist is the entire key, and we’re now being railroaded into two fast lynches and expected not to think about it. But nobody is thinking about lynching the Arsonist, are they? It’s just a free pass to the finish line for the serial killer. Hey-ho, howzabout that. If we do lynch trent and he's Town, then we Have to crack this nut because I'll be damned if I get framed by this crap.
Flub and his entire story stinks.
CPSVG and his magic tracker role that couldn’t have succeeded stinks.
All of our magic vanilla claims stink.
This game stinks.