DrDungeon: Hey ho! Merry do, and all! Madman is done! Release Candidate #1, anyway. Thanks for the interest, guys. Its guys like yourselves that keep me going. I erased all the old stuff on youtube and put up two new trailers:
I just found it won't let me post links! No worry! Go to youtube and type:
Dr. Dungeon's madman and there will be two new ones, trailer #1 and #2
Plus the site has a few new screen shots. I upgraded the lighting a bit to be smoother.
Niggles! You're right. The arrow should thud! Its little details like this that I've been insisting on all along with madman, and I'm very serious about feedback from potential players.
It will go thud in the final version! Dr. Dungeon has spoken! :) -Rob
Thank you very much for continuing your labour of love, and for being in touch here. I know many in this community really appreciate it when developers communicate with their (potential) customers, especially when they are open to feedback! I can definitely relate to the joy of feedback spurring creation, and if it wasn't for this community I would not have resumed my own creative writing projects.
I am just about to watch the new trailers for your game. I'll link them for ease of access for others:
Dr Dungeon's Madman Trailer #1 Dr Dungeon's Madman Trailer #2 Edit: I am taking notes as I watch these and shall continue doing so tomorrow as I've had an exhausting day. I shall pass some feedback via this thread, as well as some via private message.
Thanks again for creating and sharing! :)
Short review: I love it!