Orkhepaj: did i write that? probably it has
yet linux has it too , still fanatics blabla how linux is perfect
chimera2025: You sound really butthurt. Sounds like your golden calf is being knocked off of its pedestal. Linux gets better all the time, and we don't have a lot of the same security concerns that Windows users have. I use both Windows and Linux, and I have consoles too. I am just tired of people acting like evangelists for mega corps, which you are doing right now. The fact is that the better Linux is the more it can pressure Microsoft to have to improve. The competition is good. Just leave people alone and let them game the way they want to game. And stop getting so offended that people don't want to get in bed with Bill Gates.
And if you are so upset about what people say about Linux being better, then maybe the problem is with you and not them.
nope , it is you who sound butthurt , oh no somebody said my linux is not perfect bruhuhu
i bet it gets better just like windows , but still a long way for linux to be close to windows , maybe in 5 years
evangelists for mega corps? do you know what you are talking about?
offended? I just wrote linux had this problem and it is not as good as people wants to show it to be
and you took offense from that
so how to fix that linux issue then?