Posted July 21, 2021
WinterSnowfall: There are none. You adopt it, not buy it :P. If someone is using Debian on an enterprise level they probably have the required expertise to do in-house support.
Incorrect. We are talking about deployment and support not individual users. Companies purchase support contracts for their staff and projects. If the users are knowledgeable that is great. Less tickets for minor issues and the rest of the contract team can focus on major issues and/or other endeavors which is a great way to expand.
I'm currently doing a contract for a community center today, these units will be used by random people that come in and out not actual staff so Ubuntu is great choice for places like this. Easy to deploy, support and use for common folks who don't care about the OS but just have set things they are coming in here to do.
While their are Customized Debian Distribution for enterprise work, the customers are requesting Ubuntu. I'm sure if Debian comes out with a good training and support package that will change but that's not where the money is from what I've seen.