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rgnrk: Yes, tinybuild are small enough and their catalog are indies and many of the users in this thread don't a care about them enough, so they're fine to use as a scapegoat to take the pitchfork's out for bad practices.

The irony is that what that employee says in private is what every ceo and representative of any large AAA videogames company say in public. But, sometimes, they release crumbs to us. And then we have every gog member clapping with the ears. And I don't see anyone asking GOG to finish their business with them or take their games out.

I call hypocrisy.
fronzelneekburm: I call bad fail at logic.

You're saying it's morally the same for a major publisher to say "Uh oh, our game's gonna get pirated!" and then holding off a gog release for a decade or so (but at least it's going to be a feature-complete release) as it is for a two-bit indie dive to say "Uh oh, our game's gonna get pirated!" and then releasing a glorified Day 1 beta build that will never see any patches or post-release support on gog EVAR.

Sorry, I prefer the former. I'd rather wait a few years for a feature-complete release than being stuck with a de facto demo for all eternity.
Whatever works for you.

Punch Club got updated to the lastest version a couple of weeks ago, so maybe they work just like AAA publishers after all.


PS: I just remarked a couple of bits in your post that kind of make my point.
Post edited June 30, 2019 by rgnrk
I feel that it is important to note that the issues described in the OP do not necessarily apply to every game published by tinyBuild. Pathologic 2, for example, is up to date and has all of its additional content available here. For whatever reason, certain games they publish receive better support than others, which is cause for concern but not the same as them abandoning every game they release here.
Post edited June 30, 2019 by Fortuk
high rated
i wonder if we could just ask for refund for each/any tiny build games purchased here, considering they clearly and officially stated they didnt intend to give gog customers either the features that were advertized at the time of purchase and/or denying basic tech support and updates as well
for me it's a malpractice and just selling defective goods, not by neglectin but on purpose

as such, i'm pretty sure that under most countries' consumers law, it gives some ground for action

may i remind you all, and tinybuild first as well, that the most major financial threat Tinybuild ever had to face was NOT piracy or whatsoever drm-free gog builds of their games, but G2A fraud market (from their own saying), which was made of - sorry to twist the knife - STEAM KEYS !?

they even stated the'd rather see their game pirated than sold through G2A or similar shady business. But GOG sales and legit PAYING drm-free customers would be a WORSE threat than that ?

i fear stupidity and hyppocrisy grew up to a scale that cannot be measured except in some non-euclydian chtonian plane of existence !
Post edited June 30, 2019 by Djaron
Fortuk: I feel that it is important to note that the issues described in the OP do not necessarily apply to every game published by tinyBuild. Pathologic 2, for example, is up to date and has all of its additional content available here. For whatever reason, certain games they publish receive better support than others, which is cause for concern but not the same as them abandoning every game they release here.
That's true, and as has been mentioned, Punch Club got an update fairly recently (even if it was late - it got here eventually).
This only makes the conversation almost bizarre to me, and I wonder whether it depends on the kind of contracts developers have with publishers in general. It's easy to assume that these contracts are always the same, but that's a bit difficult to imagine.
not the same as them abandoning every game they release here.
Also true; personally, I take issue with the not so subtle insinuation that DRM free enables piracy, and I'm clearly not alone in that. It's a very ... unintelligent conviction, though saying that here is preaching to the choir. :p
Just went to check my library, it seems I haven't bought any games published by tinybuild and it shall remain that way. I don't give my money to ignorant savages.
high rated
Snolus: As mentioned in the OP, GOG has been contacted regarding this unfortunate exchange. For obvious reasons, they can't keep us updated on their business relations, so all we can do is wait.
And the REAL funny side of this?

The complete versions of "Party Hard" AND "Party Hard 2" with ALL DLC/Updates ARE available as pirated warez and online as of now.

A simple google search would teach them that, but what do I now...

Yeah I avoid Tinybuild because of those antics, because I was forced to "update" my here bought "Party Hard" game the... unusal way... because the publisher does not seem to care about my rights as an legit buyer. Thanks for nothing tinybuild.
rgnrk: Punch Club got updated to the lastest version a couple of weeks ago, so maybe they work just like AAA publishers after all.
If you check what games were released on that time period you will find a game by the team behind "Punch Club" and published by tinybuild.

Maybe GOG gave them the choice "update your old game on GOG or no release of the new one on GOG!".

Hopefully GOG strongarms them into updating the "Party Hards", too. I WOULD like to buy the rest of the game/games IF they are fully complete here. They already got my money for part 1, I have nothing to lose there...
Fortuk: I feel that it is important to note that the issues described in the OP do not necessarily apply to every game published by tinyBuild. Pathologic 2, for example, is up to date and has all of its additional content available here. For whatever reason, certain games they publish receive better support than others, which is cause for concern but not the same as them abandoning every game they release here.
Snolus: That's true, and as has been mentioned, Punch Club got an update fairly recently (even if it was late - it got here eventually).
This only makes the conversation almost bizarre to me, and I wonder whether it depends on the kind of contracts developers have with publishers in general. It's easy to assume that these contracts are always the same, but that's a bit difficult to imagine.

not the same as them abandoning every game they release here.
Snolus: Also true; personally, I take issue with the not so subtle insinuation that DRM free enables piracy, and I'm clearly not alone in that. It's a very ... unintelligent conviction, though saying that here is preaching to the choir. :p
Publishers often secure platforms, handle advertising, and offer financial backing. Updating games is almost always the developers responsibility however. I've always wondered why tinyBuild games were usually so out of date with that many different developers. Now I know - tinyBuild tells its developers not to update games on GoG to combat piracy (bullshit I know). It's up to the devs to listen and I guess many do.

Such a shame too since I enjoyed some of their games. No more tinyBuild games for me - they are on my shitlist now. There would have to be real changes before I buy any more of their games.
Snolus: As mentioned in the OP, GOG has been contacted regarding this unfortunate exchange. For obvious reasons, they can't keep us updated on their business relations, so all we can do is wait.
Anime-BlackWolf: And the REAL funny side of this?

The complete versions of "Party Hard" AND "Party Hard 2" with ALL DLC/Updates ARE available as pirated warez and online as of now.

A simple google search would teach them that, but what do I now...

Yeah I avoid Tinybuild because of those antics, because I was forced to "update" my here bought "Party Hard" game the... unusal way... because the publisher does not seem to care about my rights as an legit buyer. Thanks for nothing tinybuild.
As so often, pirates get the superior version and legitimate buyers the shaft...
So that's how they "fight piracy". Cute.

I really wish I wouldn't have bought Party Hard 1 here.
Maybe the DLCs and level editor would make it more fun, but no cigar. As if the many bugs of the Linux port wouldn't be enough of a problem.
Any chance for a refund?
Post edited June 30, 2019 by Klumpen0815
rgnrk: major publisher
two-bit indie dive
Your point is still bullshit, tho.

You're acting as if tinyBuild hasn't worked long and hard to be viewed with nothing but absolute contempt around these parts.

You're acting as if I'm calling the little guy names simply because he can't defend himself, which is the polar opposite of truth. I remember back when Bethesda steadfastly refused to release their stuff on gog, I used to call them all sorts of clever names like Bethesturds, Bethestards, the Bethstapo, etc. On the other hand, I would never even dream of calling a copany like, for instance, Acid Wizard a bad name simply because it's basically three guys in a basement, because they always take care that their gog build is the same as the Steam build and we're not missing out on features.

Klumpen0815: Any chance for a refund?
Go for it, dude.

Include a link to OP's conversation, explain that there are numerous issues with the current build and tell them that you feel cheated that tinyBuild is on record that they don't want to do anything about those issues (on gog!) and you'd like a refund.

It's unlikely that they'll grant that refund (given the size of your library, they might be more accomodating, though), but even if they don't, you'll send them the right message.
Post edited June 30, 2019 by fronzelneekburm
tinybuild should get the boot, seriously...
Klumpen0815: Any chance for a refund?
fronzelneekburm: Go for it, dude.

Include a link to OP's conversation, explain that there are numerous issues with the current build and tell them that you feel cheated that tinyBuild is on record that they don't want to do anything about those issues (on gog!) and you'd like a refund.

It's unlikely that they'll grant that refund (given the size of your library, they might be more accomodating, though), but even if they don't, you'll send them the right message.

Your request was successfully submitted.
Post edited June 30, 2019 by Klumpen0815
tremere110: Publishers often secure platforms, handle advertising, and offer financial backing. Updating games is almost always the developers responsibility however. I've always wondered why tinyBuild games were usually so out of date with that many different developers. Now I know - tinyBuild tells its developers not to update games on GoG to combat piracy (bullshit I know). It's up to the devs to listen and I guess many do.
You're absolutely right. That's what I was thinking too, seeing how Pathologic 2 is regularly updated and its Soundtrack and Artbook DLCs are here since day one.
Rosalumina: Now that's just poor customer service, imo. Wonder who decided that this was a good idea/position to have as a company?
They didn't, hence "no official statement" apparently, they know that announcing your game will be gimped if you buy on a specific platform could damage sales potential. So officially the company won't take that stance, and this employee may be reprimanded for not using mealy-mouth corporate doublespeak to answer such inquiries.
Oh well, I don't have any of their titles to refund. Guess I'll just hoist the jolly Rogfer and cruise for the Steam versions,
Post edited June 30, 2019 by paladin181