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A female?? Burn the witch!
I believe he was, but was fortunate to be in a culture magically and socially advanced enough to allow him to have an external form that reflected his masculine identity.
Much like The Legend of Zelda, there is already an established leading female character in the form of Ciri. It’s arguably her story anyway, the only reason she can’t be the protagonist is because her powers are impossible to capture. At one point she mentions shifting in and out of worlds like you or I would change pants, even visiting a Cyberpunk-like future (Cyberpunk 2077 cameo confirmed?!). Though a prequel story set before she developed those powers could work.
You'll get your female Geralt if they decide to continue 'The Witcher' with Ciri as the main protagonist.

The devs could give you the ability to open rifts to aid you in combat (like 'Bioshock Infinite') instead of signs.
They'd have to change her combat mechanics though, that blinking during fights wasn't really fun to be honest.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by NuffCatnip
low rated
Wow my man, had Geralt been female that would be epic! Ciri in Witcher 3 gameplay lacks seriously large doses of fucking, endless sessions of dead-beat drinking, gambling and overall raking wild party animal grade stuff!

That witcher 1 mostly had...

It would also drive completely nuts that asexual fags from beamdog to sue legally CDPR and we would all die laughing! Maybe they would purchase the rights to Witcher to fix/neuter it, too!
Post edited June 26, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Darvond: A 7.5 instead of a 7.0 from IGN?
Gone Home got 9.5 so I'm guessing a 10. Although it'll probably be a max of 9.8 since the game lacks colored people.
I'd def fuck male Geralt. I can't picture what a female Geralt would look like.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by CARRiON.FLOWERS
Darvond: Princess Peach.
Maighstir: Hah, joke's on you. I'm eating peach at this moment.

Mmm, so soft and sweet.
Have you saved
the Peach
that was in
another castle

and which
I was actually
for dessert ?

Damn you,
she seemed delicious
so sweet
and so soft.

What if....

1. Geraltine sounds off.
2. I'd be MUCH more interested in the relationships with Shani and Triss.
The games would be way easier because anyone who has ever been in a fight with a girl can attest to, women fight better than men.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by tinyE
Nothing would change if he was a woman; as a Witcher a persons sex means nothing. The only change if any is for a few months there would have been no Monster Slaying because of Ciri.

I fully and completely believe there would be no change to his story.
Oh lord, is this neogaf now? Here's an idea, how about creating a new ip, sequel or spinoff with a different female lead? Why do we have to turn a established male character into a female?
What if Geralt was narcoleptic?
Cyraxpt: Oh lord, is this neogaf now? Here's an idea, how about creating a new ip, sequel or spinoff with a different female lead? Why do we have to turn a established male character into a female?
Because that is the current fad and the sort of thinking that shows you're progressive and all about inclusion in videogames. :P
Cyraxpt: Oh lord, is this neogaf now? Here's an idea, how about creating a new ip, sequel or spinoff with a different female lead? Why do we have to turn a established male character into a female?
Because feminists are offended that they never got to play their favorite games as a girl protagonist and argue that there's no difference between genders as long as none of the people in question are men. Not all feminists, but many do. Which is a fallacy. Physically, most women are not as strong as most men. They also generally weigh less. A female Geralt (keeping all other things the same, except making Ciri male or not, because gender doesn't matter as long as they're women.. It only matters when men are used) would probably lack the same physical abilities of male Geralt. Let's say she's as far above exceptional women as Geralt is, and more so to match his own physicality. Then the game would be a female based protagonist with physical traits that stretched the bounds or reality farther than it already does.