Cyraxpt: Oh lord, is this neogaf now? Here's an idea, how about creating a new ip, sequel or spinoff with a different female lead? Why do we have to turn a established male character into a female?
Because feminists are offended that they never got to play their favorite games as a girl protagonist and argue that there's no difference between genders as long as none of the people in question are men. Not all feminists, but many do. Which is a fallacy. Physically, most women are not as strong as most men. They also generally weigh less. A female Geralt (keeping all other things the same, except making Ciri male or not, because gender doesn't matter as long as they're women.. It only matters when men are used) would probably lack the same physical abilities of male Geralt. Let's say she's as far above exceptional women as Geralt is, and more so to match his own physicality. Then the game would be a female based protagonist with physical traits that stretched the bounds or reality farther than it already does.