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infinite9: Honestly, the whole transgender movement is being pushed in order to further turn people in interchangeable units and to further undermine individuality. If one has a difficult time distinguishing the difference between man and woman, then one will have a more difficult time distinguishing the difference between an individual named Eric and an individual named Erica.

By the way, this thread is one of the reasons why I rarely ever watch comedians these days. There is plenty of entertainment in it with these hilarious comments trying to support such social justice activism disguised as "science."
Your flesh betrays you....silence the discord! RUN....RUN!!!!!!
Starmaker: It is entirely socially constructed,


Like that:
A child is born. The child has a dick. Parents give the child a "male" name, dress the child accordingly, etc. Eventually, the child acquires a sense of self and starts to express preferences. Also, in the course of socialization / social conditioning, the child realizes that there are, apparently, two broad classes of people who behave differently -- men and women -- and decides to be a woman.
PetrusOctavianus: So gender is entirely socially constructed, but yet a child knows which gender it is even if born with "wrong" genitals.
So which is it?
"Gender" is definitely NOT socially constructed, according to the very first "gender theory experience" results on UNAWARE VICTIMS...



On topic... Nah, just +1 OP!
Post edited May 24, 2016 by koima57
DaCostaBR: Know what? Outlaw bathrooms. No bathrooms for anyone.
I already suggested diapers as a compromise. And since humans seem to be de-evolving at such a rapid pace, it seems like more than a comparable choice.
low rated
Everyone in this thread should be JerkMutered™,except me because it's my suggestion.
low rated
Tauto: Everyone in this thread should be JerkMutered™,except me because it's my suggestion.
Please. Do it. I don't want you replying to my inane shitty whining and crying because i lost rep points. I'm so easily triggered and need my safe spaces because yellow culture. Boo hoo. Allanhu Snackbar, aussie!
Post edited May 24, 2016 by dick1982
I don't even understand what the difference between "gender" and "personality type" is.
a4plz: I don't even understand what the difference between "gender" and "personality type" is.
Some people are dicks. Some people are pussies.
low rated
koima57: "Gender" is definitely NOT socially constructed, according to the very first "gender theory experience" results on UNAWARE VICTIMS...
It's worth noting that what David Reimer experienced is *exactly* what some trans men experience if they are raised as girls.

Edit: It's worth noting that this topic was actually locked for a while? (See that 10 hour gap in posting times? During that time, this topic was locked and there were a couple posts from blues about that. Blues, please don't delete your posts when you decide to reverse a decision like that; it removes some of the context of what's going on in the topic.)
Post edited May 24, 2016 by dtgreene
You know what is hard, is I want to post, I want to share my opinions, but I dont know how to air them, I want to say something to op.

These threads always result in brutal flame wars.
Lord_Kane: You know what is hard, is I want to post, I want to share my opinions, but I dont know how to air them, I want to say something to op.

These threads always result in brutal flame wars.
If there's one thing I've learned around here, it's to never post anything serious in threads like this.

Lord_Kane: You know what is hard, is I want to post, I want to share my opinions, but I dont know how to air them, I want to say something to op.

These threads always result in brutal flame wars.
Breja: If there's one thing I've learned around here, it's to never post anything serious in threads like this.

I am going to take your advice, you would think I would learn this after all my years here.
low rated
Shadowstalker16: So you're saying that if a normal child of any sex is left in isolation from society until adulthood, he / she will not have a gender? Or how do you explain hormones being used to change gender?
Hormones are used to change physical appearance to match infinity-mirrored society's expectations to enable the person to live a normal life.

Shadowstalker16: And how does anyone get born with the wrong sex for their gender if gender is socially constructed?
No one is born with the "wrong sex for their gender". Humans are born. Humans have various biological characteristics, some of which correlate. Gender is typically assigned by other people on the basis of some of these characteristics (the vast majority of people don't test chromosomes). Then the child acquires an identity, including a gender identity. Sometimes this identity is vastly different from the child's future prospects. This sucks and needs remedying.

Shadowstalker16: Or of course explain the case of the Canadian kid who was recommended to be raised as a girl after a failed circumcision damaged his genitals, and he still didn't feel female despite social ''constructing'' to make him think he was. Please answer.
I seriously don't see any contradiction. You can't reliably raise a person to be a man (or a woman), regardless of their genitals. Social conditioning informs a child there are these two options, the child decides on what he or she is. This decision, the child's decision, is so important that, in cases of gender dysphoria, surgery is preferable to dissuading the person. That's why you can't persuade a boy he is in fact a girl just because he doesn't have a dick, regardless of whether the dick was cut off or never existed in the first palce.

Shadowstalker16: Gender roles are different from biological gender. Gender roles vary across cultures slightly but biological gender does not. Because its not socially constructed.
There's no such thing as biological gender.

Shadowstalker16: Children's bodies are different internally. The amount of hormones to be secreted are different in girls and boys. Taking away genitals doesn't make them gender neutral nor does raising them as the opposite gender.
All bodies are different, in the amount of various hormones, presense or absence of various reproductive organs, breast size, body hair allocation, etc. I know a woman (idenfities as a woman, XX, vagina, uterus, ovaries) who has so much testosterone she has hair all over her chest and back, and can't have children. I also know a woman (identifies as a woman, XY, vagina, uterus, ovaries) with perfectly feminine amounts of testosterone; she discovered she was in fact XY in her late teens.

Shadowstalker16: And how the hell does this ''identification'' thing work? You have some guarantee that every child who sees a film has the same experience or draws the same conclusions? Or that they even draw a parallel with the fictional world and the real one at all? Especially in kids' shows?
Each child draws their own conclusions, but the (Western) culture is roughly the same, so, yes, the conclusions drawn by mentally sound children from objective, independently existing reality must be similar.

Shadowstalker16: Its like putting 3 ideologically different politicians in the same room, showing them some video clips and saying all of them will take way the same thing or have the same experience. Its absurd and unscientific and fearmongering. Its just a ''think of the children'' appeal with no basis in fact.
What the fuck does this even mean.

Shadowstalker16: And that's not even close to a permanent solution. People who undergo the operation still have a much higher suicide rate than the reborn fully healthy individuals people like to claim they become.
People who have chemo tend to die from cancer. Your point?

Shadowstalker16: And often they experience dysphoria afterwards when they somehow don't feel like their *true gender* and feel like they are their original birth gender and sex.
Anecdotal bullshit.

Shadowstalker16: The use of sex reassignment surgery as a method to eliminate gender dysphoria is not even fully understood or supported : to the extent that the first hospital in the US to do them stopped offering them.
You know Roe is now a big fan of forced pregnancy, right?

edit: Youth Pastor Watch is back.
Post edited May 24, 2016 by Starmaker
low rated
Shadowstalker16: So you're saying that if a normal child of any sex is left in isolation from society until adulthood, he / she will not have a gender? Or how do you explain hormones being used to change gender?
Starmaker: Hormones are used to change physical appearance to match infinity-mirrored society's expectations to enable the person to live a normal life.
Actually, hormones are also used to alleviate the dysphoria that many transgender people suffer. This varies from person to person, but for example, a trans woman's brain may expect her to have breasts, but the body doesn't have them. This creates some dysphoria that can be remedied with hormones that will (among other things) cause breasts to grow.

Similarly, a trans man might experience dysphoria over his high pitched voice. Hormones can cause the voice to drop down to a typical male range (depending on the person, of course), alleviating that source of dysphoria. (Note, however, that trans women's voices don't change back when on female hormones; that requires voice training, ans some even get vocal surgery.)

There's also the reported psychological effects; many trans people report being more calm and content once under hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

So no, hormones aren't just to get a person to match societal expectations.

Disclaimer: People are different; therefore, nothing that I have said here can be said to be universally applicable.
koima57: "Gender" is definitely NOT socially constructed, according to the very first "gender theory experience" results on UNAWARE VICTIMS...
I always worry when someone makes such absolute and generalized claims. This is a child who was born biologically male, brought up as a girl, and as he grew older, biologically programmed (read genetic) bodily changes revealed the lie.

Some of you activists are making the fallacious claim that this is exactly what trans men go through. It clearly is not, as trans men do not go through the same biological changes of puberty.

If you really think about it (ok, maybe you don't even have to think so hard), you'd see that this one case doesn't prove anything about whether gender is a social construct. It may say a lot about lying to children when they are young. As if one case could prove anything absolutely in the first place...What it proves is that in this one case, with this one person, bringing them up as another gender and lying to him was quite ill-advised.

Why is it so hard to believe (or even offensive to believe) that being transgender could be a result of a social construct? That maybe something happens at the time a young one is first figuring out sexual differences. Something traumatic which turns someone off to one sex or such consistent support of one sex that at a young age the child identifies more with the opposite sex to the point that is what they want to be at the core?

And frankly, why should it matter whether it's biological or social in the first place? If that's how you feel, deep down, why do the origins of those feelings mean anything?

And not to be alarmist, but with the current wave of cutting age research on pre-natal genetic testing and the concept of giving parents an abortion choice to avoid bringing up a child with genetic defects...are you really sure you want it all to be biological from birth? What happens if that is true and what happens if there is a pre-natal test for it as a genetic anomaly? Should a parent then be given the right to abort because of the difficulties of raising such a child?
Shadowstalker16: So you're saying that if a normal child of any sex is left in isolation from society until adulthood, he / she will not have a gender? Or how do you explain hormones being used to change gender?
Starmaker: Hormones are used to change physical appearance to match infinity-mirrored society's expectations to enable the person to live a normal life.

Shadowstalker16: And how does anyone get born with the wrong sex for their gender if gender is socially constructed?
Starmaker: No one is born with the "wrong sex for their gender". Humans are born. Humans have various biological characteristics, some of which correlate. Gender is typically assigned by other people on the basis of some of these characteristics (the vast majority of people don't test chromosomes). Then the child acquires an identity, including a gender identity. Sometimes this identity is vastly different from the child's future prospects. This sucks and needs remedying.

Shadowstalker16: Or of course explain the case of the Canadian kid who was recommended to be raised as a girl after a failed circumcision damaged his genitals, and he still didn't feel female despite social ''constructing'' to make him think he was. Please answer.
Starmaker: I seriously don't see any contradiction. You can't reliably raise a person to be a man (or a woman), regardless of their genitals. Social conditioning informs a child there are these two options, the child decides on what he or she is. This decision, the child's decision, is so important that, in cases of gender dysphoria, surgery is preferable to dissuading the person. That's why you can't persuade a boy he is in fact a girl just because he doesn't have a dick, regardless of whether the dick was cut off or never existed in the first palce.

Shadowstalker16: Gender roles are different from biological gender. Gender roles vary across cultures slightly but biological gender does not. Because its not socially constructed.
Starmaker: There's no such thing as biological gender.

Shadowstalker16: Children's bodies are different internally. The amount of hormones to be secreted are different in girls and boys. Taking away genitals doesn't make them gender neutral nor does raising them as the opposite gender.
Starmaker: All bodies are different, in the amount of various hormones, presense or absence of various reproductive organs, breast size, body hair allocation, etc. I know a woman (idenfities as a woman, XX, vagina, uterus, ovaries) who has so much testosterone she has hair all over her chest and back, and can't have children. I also know a woman (identifies as a woman, XY, vagina, uterus, ovaries) with perfectly feminine amounts of testosterone; she discovered she was in fact XY in her late teens.

Shadowstalker16: And how the hell does this ''identification'' thing work? You have some guarantee that every child who sees a film has the same experience or draws the same conclusions? Or that they even draw a parallel with the fictional world and the real one at all? Especially in kids' shows?
Starmaker: Each child draws their own conclusions, but the (Western) culture is roughly the same, so, yes, the conclusions drawn by mentally sound children from objective, independently existing reality must be similar.

Shadowstalker16: Its like putting 3 ideologically different politicians in the same room, showing them some video clips and saying all of them will take way the same thing or have the same experience. Its absurd and unscientific and fearmongering. Its just a ''think of the children'' appeal with no basis in fact.
Starmaker: What the fuck does this even mean.

Shadowstalker16: And that's not even close to a permanent solution. People who undergo the operation still have a much higher suicide rate than the reborn fully healthy individuals people like to claim they become.
Starmaker: People who have chemo tend to die from cancer. Your point?

Shadowstalker16: And often they experience dysphoria afterwards when they somehow don't feel like their *true gender* and feel like they are their original birth gender and sex.
Starmaker: Anecdotal bullshit.

Shadowstalker16: The use of sex reassignment surgery as a method to eliminate gender dysphoria is not even fully understood or supported : to the extent that the first hospital in the US to do them stopped offering them.
Starmaker: You know Roe is now a big fan of forced pregnancy, right?

edit: Youth Pastor Watch is back.
1.Why can't they have therapy to transition then? The human evolution and cancer example you cited counts time and natural evolution ability while gender, according to you is social / psychological. So if you can psycho therapy for PTSD, why not gender dysphoria? Both are sourroundings-induced conditions after all.

2.Gender is not assigned. Sex is. Gender has nothing to do with chromosomes. Sex does. Eg, people who are chromosomally female can identify as (straight)male. Gender identity is acquired? So that means a normal child raised in social isolation won't have any gender at all? Answer this please.

3.Says who? All of your claims lack any evidence. I'd like to point that out here. Link some scientific study that says so. And the same for the other claims.

4.That is hermaphrodite / intersex. Not transgender. And women with XY are anecdotal. Those people are the exception, not the rule. And I suppose you know that there is a difference between male and female bodies that aren't genital related or bone structure related, and that is average hormone levels and hormone regulation. The XX girl you described probably has hormone imbalance / improper regulation.

5.Citation needed. You expect every child to draw the same conclusions but what if their prior experiences makes them focus on different aspects of the movie? You're saying that won't happen at all? And if media was so influential, why was the 2 sex, 2 gender norm so normal until the 2000s?

6.It means you're saying 3 individuals will draw the same conclusions from seeing the same movie without even considering learning, prior experiences or attention or interest. Its dumb and its oversimplyfying the human mind to attribute it a level of observable structuredness it simply does not have. Its like saying the 16 personalites test is objectively true.

7.Gender dysphoric people who undergo the operation still feel gender dysphoric after it.

8.By that logic people who don't also fall into anecdotal BS. Why is it anecdotal? If this operation is the godsend, why do so many people commit suicide afterwards?

9.Who is that? I linked an article by McHughes. Even then, why does being wrong in one thing make him wrong in everything?