Seems that nobody made a new wish for whatever reason.
I wish for a computer with the following specs:
CPU: More than 4 cores, also the number of cores must be prime.
RAM: More than 16GB. Furthermore, the amount of RAM, measured in GB, must be prime.
Storage: At least 2TB. Furthermore, the amount of disk storage, measured in GB, must be prime.
GPU: Video card must have a prime amount of RAM (measured in MB this time). Furthermore, there should be a prime number of them (remember that 1 isn't prime).
Every other spec, if possible, should be prime; this includes things like power supply voltage and efficiency, dimensions of the unit, battery life and number of batteries, etc.
Furthermore, the machine, if I were to pay for it (instead of getting it by a wish), must cost a prime amount of dollars, and the ones digit of the price must not be 9.
Actually, I will give another grant to this wish:
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish for positive changes in my life.
Granted. You are now a happy woman.
Edit: Actually, one thing I missed in my wish: I would like a motherboard that supports RAID -1.