Posted February 20, 2016
Modiphius Entertainment is working on a Conan tabletop RPG! If you don't know who they are, they gave us several awesome products like the "Acthung! Cthulhu" RPG line. Their work is top-notch.
Kickstarter link:
It's already funded and breazing through the various check-points, just a day in... this should tell you what you need to know, really. And for 40 pounds you can get the PDF Master pledge which will give you a PDF copy of every PDF that will come out of this kickstart...
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Quickstart rules:
Kickstarter link:
It's already funded and breazing through the various check-points, just a day in... this should tell you what you need to know, really. And for 40 pounds you can get the PDF Master pledge which will give you a PDF copy of every PDF that will come out of this kickstart...
More info:
Quickstart rules: