nightcraw1er.488: There is nothing wrong with browser downloads.
Akka: Yes there is : several files to DL per game instead of just one click to get it all, pause/resume being pretty iffy, can't chain several DL (it's all concurrent).
If I wanted to get, for example, Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2 and Kingdom Comes Deliverance, I needed only to click on three links with the GOG Downloader, and I could pause and resume with a single click. Basically, I click three times, then I can forget it until it's done.
With web browser download, I have about twenty different files to manage, I have to check regularly to see if the specific file I'm DL is finished and I can start the next one or not, pausing is less reliable and it's basically micromanagement annoyance.
Same, there it is lot of wrong with browser download.
All browsers degraded to monotonous Google chrome/chromium, and "new hipster firefox" is not firefox we liked with addons (XUL) that actually do something useful (webaddons are just joke and crap from google)
They should not kill GOG Downloader , they should support it in first place.!
I will repeat it again, we don't need swiss knife when we want cut bread, we use simple kitchen knife....