Darvond: Basically, more places should adopt the SomethingAwful approach to user control. 10bux or keep lurking. It gives a lot of thought to put access behind a payment because you consider, "Should I really do that?"
I recall this idea being floated before, both here and other places. Those sort of threads turn into SolutionGuy vs HypotheticalDude.
(totally inaccurate recreation incoming)
SolutionGuy: Make posting a privilege, have at least any one not-free game and you can post.
HypotheticalDude: But what about new potential customers?
SolutionGuy: Okay, those accounts can post to existing threads but not make new threads.
HypotheticalDude: But what about GOG's really bad search and some people getting snarky about bumping old threads?
SolutionGuy: Fine. Accounts without a paid-for game can make only one new thread per day.
HypotheticalDude: But I can imagine a scenario where a new person who has not yet bought a game needs to make four new threads on their first day. We don't want to discourage a potential customer for GOG!!!
SolutionGuy: If that far-fetched scenario is what you're worried about, then what is your solution to stop spambots?
HypotheticalDude: I don;t know, I'm just brainstorming.