Falci: Am I wrong to want to see these guys revisit the Daikatana concept?
I hope they get Tom Hall and Brenda Romero in as well. The four of them should come up with some good amount of fun. :)
Anyway, here's hoping whatever these people put out is awesome and fun and very fast and full of joyful murder.
EDIT: A weapon to turn enemies into little bitches (as in a literal canine) would be a sweet joke. :P
No, I would be unironically excited for a Daikatana reboot/sequel. Original was actually kind of fun once you got past the first chapter, and it had a lot of cool ideas.
I think it's a new IP though, judging from things Romero said previous to this.
I'm super excited to see Romero back in the saddle after so many years. Judging by his recent Doom level, he hasn't lost his touch for level design.
rtcvb32: DaiKatana 2, coming to a broken machine near you!
Epitaph666: i laughed so hard at this :D
But a game from 2 veterans is always welcome! I love Romero and A. Carmack :D, i also think Tom Hall is still a friend with Romero. Imagine if J. Carmack would team up with his old buddies. It would feel awesome if they all got back. Not for a game. A Rigor Mortis would be good too.
John Carmack is too busy chasing the virtual reality dream, unfortunately :(
He was always just the engine guy anyway.