As someone who gets most of his gaming info from youtube, I like Jim for his weekly show on industry issues that no one else seems to cover. They are opinion pieces and some are quite off their mark IMO, but I really like general industry coverage where they talk about such industry issues and there are few others on youtube, and few on mainstream sites from the little I've read. I'm subbed to him for that and a contrary opinion on GG-like issues when I feel like it. I posted this one because it was the first PSVR review I saw. I'm not a fan of his opinions concerning GG-like topics, or his written reviews (although I don't like non-user written reviews at all these days). I've never discussed with his hardcore fans but they seem to have the same personality traits as him from what I've seen of their posts (ie; dismissive of certain things seemingly on principle and often jumping to conclusions without full information).
I just found out his real name and didn't know this was a pseudonym, but he always seems to be in character, even during podcasts (I saw him on TB's podcast a few times and his own once) so I think he might not be far from the persona irl.
Yeah I meant ''everyone'' as a joke, and I'm very tired of all the VR stuff as well, but this was the first I saw of the hyped up machine so I posted it :D
On topic though, he that it seems to him to be a good option if you don't want AR and have a PS4. I suppose the real clincher here is still months away, since it'll only be as valuable as the good games made for it, which may be many or none (PS Move and Vita anyone?).
phaolo: Woa, why so much hate for Jim? O_o
Seems its not as much hate as general preference for someone else. Personally, he's good at some things and quite bad at others and I'm subbed for the good.