Posted April 08, 2016
MaxFulvus: This list (leak ?) seems reliable, but I can't imagine a GOG secret society including VIP customers who have exclusive infos about upcoming releases.
Should we safely say it's a "GOG papers" ?
I can absolutely imagine a forum for devs where GOG would share info like this to help them plan their releases (ie, to not compete with "big-name" releases here). However I don't know why GOG would be so explicit and not more vague, unless they really weren't worried about NDA stuff. Should we safely say it's a "GOG papers" ?
Here's me pondering:
I can see Warlords 1 & 2 coming here, perhaps from Ubisoft since they have Warlords Battlecry here and have been releasing more things here in recent months. I can see more EA games coming because, similar to Ubisoft, it could just be that it's just taken a long time to get more of their games here because of legal; GOG fixes them up, gets 6 months - 1 year of exclusivity , then they go onto Origin (frankly I'm surprised GOG games haven't made it into Origin Access/ the Vault). I could see Cities Skylines coming later in the year when Paradox has had time to integrate it with Galaxy and perhaps gotten a good portion of the DLC out of the way, or something like that. And of course a good portion of those aren't controversial, like indie games mentioned. I can *kind of* see Lionhead games coming if Microsoft sells the Fable IP (since Lionhead is probably closing, it seems) or something like that.
I can appreciate the skepticism, but after GOG has come so far, is it really that hard to believe some of this?