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DaCostaBR: rtcvb

I say this with the most sincere and apolitical motivations: you should see a psychologist. Not because of your beliefs. But because you honestly seem unhappy and severely distressed.
rtcvb32: I've been diagnosed with severe depression, and been depressed 2/3rds of my life. So tell me something I don't know. I've seen psychologists and I've tried their drug programs. They didn't really help and caused problems.

To be honest, what I really need is sex. But that's not something I'll get easily with my social limitations; So instead I'll put my 6-month cycle of OCD into this while it's heavily relevant.

DaCostaBR: I don't know if you have someone like that in your regular life. <snip> You need someone who will sit down and listen to all your worries, of which you said yourself there are many. I hope you find it.
rtcvb32: I'm working on it. I've been working on it for 10 years.
I suffer from severe depression, been in and out of doctors offices/on and off countless drugs my whole life, and haven't been laid in over 20 years, but I'm nowhere near as batshit crazy as you, so I'm sorry, that excuse doesn't fly.
Ariod: Yeah, despite the almost complete lack of evidence for "voter fraud"
rtcvb32: You mean like some of those maps I see that show heavy republic voters, and the ones that are democratic have 120% population voting participation, which should be impossible?

But we're not talking voter fraud. We're talking election fraud. Both are intimately tied together.

'Can't ask for ID' well if we can't confirm who people are, how do we prove the fraud?
Is your source for that Infowars?
Ariod: Woodward and Bernstein were the only reporters to pursue what everybody else considered a non-story at the time. Close enough to "conspiracy theorists" that the distinction of terms, once again, isn't important.
Breja: Uhmm... actually no, other newspapers were also pursuing the story, and sometimes even were ahead of the famous duo in publishing new details, something W&B make no secret of in their book. No to mention they had full support of their newspaper, including their editors and other journalists.
You know the history of this better than me.

Seems I recall the source kept them digging further when they considered stopping, but then again I was like 1 year old when all this was happening. Maybe that just happened in the movie ;)
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Ariod
Ariod: You know the history of this better than me.

Seems I recall the source kept them digging further when they considered stopping, but then again I was like 1 year old when all this was happening. Maybe that just happened in the movie ;)
I've read the book and saw the movies just this year, so it's still fresh in my memory :)

I don't like the movie much. It really is a very shallow representation of the book. Of course the book is also only part of the story- seen through the eyes of the two reporters, but it is an excellent book, and honest about them making mistakes and having help. Not that they were never arrogant, I also read later on they got so pissed off when the Pultizer went to the newspaper team as a whole rather than just the two of them they almost quit.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Breja
Breja: I didn't mean it quite seriously, just as a "now you'll start him on Kennedy and the grassy knoll and god knows what else!"
Ah okay, well at least it's contained under the umbrella of a single thread and as such easily ignored. ;)
tinyE: so I'm sorry, that excuse doesn't fly.
If you say so. Different bodies, different needs.

Ariod: Is your source for that Infowars?
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: snip
Have you tried talking about this with your wife?

I have no idea what your relationship is like. It's difficult talking about serious issues sometimes, there's a lot of baggage and it becomes unavoidable to hold a grudge and start distributing blame. Pride gets in the way. But if you try to avoid that, a sincere plead for help is hard for anyone to ignore.

Besides, I don't think simply giving in to your obsessive nature and "riding it out" will help you in any way. These things don't just go away, and if it is a cycle like you said, then you're just setting yourself up to see it all return sooner or later. I don't think sex will help you either. Maybe it's the emotional connection you need? But sex itself is just a momentary release, if you were the type of person who would go to a prostitute, I'm certain you'd see afterward that nothing had changed.

Psychiatrists are the ones who prescribe drugs. I do think that's what you need. If clinical depression is indeed your problem, then I don't think it can be fixed without some sort of medicine to correct the chemical inbalance in your brain. You're the one with experience in this area, not me. I have heard however of people having adverse effects to certain medication, and responding much better with a change in prescription. Just because you've had bad experiences before, doesn't mean you can't find something that works for you.

Psychologists aren't medical doctors, they can't prescribe drugs, they focus on talk therapy. If you are really completely opposed to having any medication, then I think a psychologist might be an alternative. It would at least give you a chance to talk with someone about all these problems you're having.
DaCostaBR: Have you tried talking about this with your wife?
There's a reason we're divorced and she's my ex. BELIEVE ME....
The evidence before the court is
Incontrovertible, there's no need for
The jury to retire.
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before
Of someone more deserving
Of the full penalty of law.
The way you made them suffer,
Your exquisite wife and mother,
Fills me with the urge to defecate!

Since, my friend, you have revealed your
Deepest fear,
I sentence you to be exposed before
Your peers.
Tear down the wall!
DaCostaBR: Have you tried talking about this with your wife?
rtcvb32: There's a reason we're divorced and she's my ex. BELIEVE ME....
The way you spoke in the other discussion gave me the impression it was just an estranged marriage. Still, everything else I've said stands. You should try and get better.

And if your wife isn't there for you, surely there are other family members.
tinyE: <snip>
Floyd, huh? Gotta say, I was hoping for Gilbert and Sullivan. But I suppose you can't go wrong with Floyd.

EDIT: Ugh, those subtitles are horrible in that clip I linked.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by OneFiercePuppy
tinyE: <snip>
OneFiercePuppy: Floyd, huh? Gotta say, I was hoping for Gilbert and Sullivan. But I suppose you can't go wrong with Floyd.
floyd.jpg (79 Kb)
DaCostaBR: Besides, I don't think simply giving in to your obsessive nature and "riding it out" will help you in any way. These things don't just go away, and if it is a cycle like you said, then you're just setting yourself up to see it all return sooner or later.
The cycle isn't for depression, it's for whatever gets my interest. I've spent 6 months memorizing and learning how to solve rubix cubes. I've spent 6 months straight programming, then 6 months learning Bushcraft, gaming, hunting, cooking, etc. If I'm setting myself up, I don't know what for since most of the time it's beneficial. This isn't a cycle of in and out of depression, the depression is constant, like background noise.

DaCostaBR: I don't think sex will help you either. <snip> if you were the type of person who would go to a prostitute, I'm certain you'd see afterward that nothing had changed.
There's a distinct chemical imbalance in my brain. It's correct sex by itself (at least a single round) won't do much of anything. Sex I'd need (which ties into romance, love and intimacy) I need at a far higher frequency. With no release at all, I become an utter asshole. There's no sugar coating that.

I've talked about issues before with shrinks when I was 14 (and in the military, and the VA) found it a waste of time; I've gotten prescription treatments before. Neither have helped. Instinctively I know what I need, in my gut it tells me. It's just about finding it.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
rtcvb32: There's a reason we're divorced and she's my ex. BELIEVE ME....
Is it because you found out she was a closet Democrat?

rtcvb32: Instinctively I know what I need, in my gut it tells me. It's just about finding it.
Now you're starting to scare me, that sounds like a postal worker's manifesto.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Kleetus
Listen, I'm kinda sorry now about all the mocking and everything. I mean I stand by what I said in the sense that I think everything you posted here is just utter nonsense at best, slander and defemation at worst, and deserves to be mocked.

But you, as a person, do not. I had no idea about your issues then, and you obviously do have serious issues You did say some pretty disgusting things, but given the circumstance, I'm willing to let that go. I just hope that you can recognise finally, that you are in no condition to be having any sensible debate about the "conspiracies" you raise. It's just some bizzare coping mechanism, and it really can't go on. Knowing your condition I don't think anyone will continue to argue with you, and having this be just some spam thread or an echo chamber for you to keep wallowing in the conspiracy stuff can't be a good thing.
Breja: I just hope that you can recognize finally, that you are in no condition to be having any sensible debate about the "conspiracies" you raise. It's just some bizarre coping mechanism, and it really can't go on.
This thread isn't a coping mechanism. I've been 'coping' for a long long time; I have ways to keep occupied, busy and otherwise pass the time including gaming. They keep me right at the neutral line, just enough not to go crazy or commit to suicide.

Is current news articles conspiracies?
Am I war-mongering when I say there's a huge threat of war? (Potentially Nuclear)
Am I fear-mongering because there were bombs and explosions in New York?
Am I ill-informed because I don't trust the established media?

I may not have all the answers or links immediately when they are asked, but they are coming.

As I keep saying, things don't add up. If there was ever a time to pay attention to the news and going ons; it's now. Because it's all becoming incredibly transparent who is on what side and why.