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jamyskis: But unfortunately, what passes as "conspiracy theorism" today is nothing of the sort.
The reasons you give for this are all very valid, I do see an even more fundamental one though: Conspiracy faith has substituted conspiracy theory. There is not really a theoretical construct around those completely random accusations any more, it's just the accusation plus the quasi-religious belief that a person or group is Satan.

I've seen this develop in 9/11 truther circles more than a decade ago, and it was impressive to witness. You're supposed to collect moments of doubt, any moments of doubt, mere artifacts that poke holes in whatever is passed as established truth, and you're supposed to pass those moments around as pieces of a puzzle – a puzzle that you're never meant to assemble. If you did that, you'd have to discard hundreds of individual accusations that you hold dear, but that do not sensibly fit the puzzle/theory.

In other words, the scientific nature of gathering actual evidence and making a sensible complex theory that incorporates all the observed events is detrimental to the conspiracy faith, which is sacrosanct.

Or maybe the kids nowadays just don't have no creativity any more.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
richlind33: Think of this as an advertisement for jerkmuter. lol
DaCostaBR: I got damn close a week or two ago, and not just because of him, but I chose not to.

Just because I'm not seeing it doesn't mean this cancer on the forum has went away.

And here I thought you, such great proponent on free speech, would admire that choice, and how running away from the problems might actually be bad for the forum. It's not rocket science, but then again, you don't even understand what science is, so maybe I was expecting too much.
The only reason you bitches won't use jerkmuter is 'cause you wouldn't be able to downvote. lol
Again, this features a man having a mere (unsubstantiated) opinion.
Zjeraar: Again, this features a man having a mere (unsubstantiated) opinion.
He doesn't care. :P

Let him wallow in his self pity.
Zjeraar: Again, this features a man having a mere (unsubstantiated) opinion.
I won't deny voter fraud....but it's always talked about in vague numbers. Nothing substantial. Even if it was a million people spread out over 50 states, it wouldn't change the electorals in any way. Consider the South. It's heavily republican for the most part (Florida really being the exception). They'll definitely be voting Republican, so a moderate number of voter fraud won't phase it.

This link shows the scale of any voter fraud. You can't rig the election with this. The voter fraud issue is someone trying to work up people to think it's a huge deal. Facts don't agree.
DaCostaBR: No it wasn't. That's ridiculous, not even his people are claiming that. This is some "I lost the debate because my mic didn't work, yet it was paradoxically powerful enough to hear my own breathing, because I didn't sniff through the whole debate" level of rewriting history.
rtcvb32: His mic wasn't working. No one in the crowd could hear him. Apparently his mic was also fading up and down all through the debate. If it was intentional or not...

edit: I'm tired, i think i'll just stop here for now.
I like how you add "no one in the crowd could hear him" when that's not true. If the moderators could hear him, then people behind the moderators could hear him. Just a rare glimpse into your mind on how you view this I guess
Post edited October 12, 2016 by whytestallion
DaCostaBR: rtcvb

I say this with the most sincere and apolitical motivations: you should see a psychologist. Not because of your beliefs. But because you honestly seem unhappy and severely distressed.
rtcvb32: I've been diagnosed with severe depression, and been depressed 2/3rds of my life. So tell me something I don't know. I've seen psychologists and I've tried their drug programs. They didn't really help and caused problems.

To be honest, what I really need is sex. But that's not something I'll get easily with my social limitations; So instead I'll put my 6-month cycle of OCD into this while it's heavily relevant.

DaCostaBR: I don't know if you have someone like that in your regular life. <snip> You need someone who will sit down and listen to all your worries, of which you said yourself there are many. I hope you find it.
rtcvb32: I'm working on it. I've been working on it for 10 years.
This explains quite a few things. I hope you continue to get help, and that you will with time get better and hopefully eventually make a full recovery. If such a thing is possible. Depression is a vicious thing.

Since looking into all these conspiracy theories surely only brings you further down, for your own health and well-being, I recommend to spend your time with other things, at least cut down a bit on the Alex Jones and Co binging, and do things that are fun for you. Things that bring you joy. Only you know what this might be, but I don't think it is reading about all the (perceived) evils of the world.
low rated
whytestallion: I won't deny voter fraud....but it's always talked about in vague numbers. Nothing substantial. Even if it was a million people spread out over 50 states, it wouldn't change the electorals in any way. Consider the South. It's heavily republican for the most part (Florida really being the exception). They'll definitely be voting Republican, so a moderate number of voter fraud won't phase it.

This link shows the scale of any voter fraud. You can't rig the election with this. The voter fraud issue is someone trying to work up people to think it's a huge deal. Facts don't agree.
Speaking of facts, the Democrats love those Diebold electronic voting machines that cost Al Gore the election.

Gee, I wonder why? lol
whytestallion: I won't deny voter fraud....but it's always talked about in vague numbers. Nothing substantial. Even if it was a million people spread out over 50 states, it wouldn't change the electorals in any way. Consider the South. It's heavily republican for the most part (Florida really being the exception). They'll definitely be voting Republican, so a moderate number of voter fraud won't phase it.

This link shows the scale of any voter fraud. You can't rig the election with this. The voter fraud issue is someone trying to work up people to think it's a huge deal. Facts don't agree.
richlind33: Speaking of facts, the Democrats love those Diebold electronic voting machines that cost Al Gore the election.

Gee, I wonder why? lol
Interesting way to rewrite history there. XD

Democrats didn't blame the voting machines, we blamed the Electoral College because Gore won the popular vote yet the Electoral College still gave the state to Bush, a State that his brother was conveniently enough the Governor of.

The Republicans fired back that the only reason Gore won the popular vote was because the voting machines were faulty and many elderly Bush supporters were incapable of using them correctly.

I don't mind your rants in here, but at least check your facts before hand Goober. ;P

I'm wiling to admit there is no evidence regarding the Jeb Bush connection and let that conspiracy die but that doesn't change the fact that the Republicans were the one's who bitched about the machines and blamed the mess on them.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
richlind33: Speaking of facts, the Democrats love those Diebold electronic voting machines that cost Al Gore the election.

Gee, I wonder why? lol
tinyE: Interesting way to rewrite history there. XD

Democrats didn't blame the voting machine, we blamed the Electoral College because Gore won the popular vote yet the Electoral College still gave the state to Bush, a State that his brother was conveniently enough the Governor of.

The Republicans fired back that the only reason Gore won the popular vote was because the voting machines were faulty and many elderly Bush supporters were incapable of using them correctly.

I don't mind your rants in here, but at least check your facts before hand Goober. ;P
I always check my facts. Some of those Diebold machines in Florida had negative vote tallies for Gore that more than covered the margin of victory.
tinyE: Interesting way to rewrite history there. XD

Democrats didn't blame the voting machine, we blamed the Electoral College because Gore won the popular vote yet the Electoral College still gave the state to Bush, a State that his brother was conveniently enough the Governor of.

The Republicans fired back that the only reason Gore won the popular vote was because the voting machines were faulty and many elderly Bush supporters were incapable of using them correctly.

I don't mind your rants in here, but at least check your facts before hand Goober. ;P
richlind33: I always check my facts. Some of those Diebold machines in Florida had negative vote tallies for Gore that more than covered the margin of victory.
There is no such thing as a negative vote tally. XD

You can't vote AGAINST someone. :P

In over 200 years and countless elections, not one candidate or proposition has ever been "de-voted". :P

You went to school on the small brown bus didn't you?
Post edited October 12, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
richlind33: Speaking of facts, the Democrats love those Diebold electronic voting machines that cost Al Gore the election.

Gee, I wonder why? lol
tinyE: I'm w iling to admit there is no evidence regarding the Jeb Bush connection and let that conspiracy die but that doesn't change the fact that the Republicans were the one's who bitched about the machines and blamed the mess on them.
Why would you do that when there's no question that the scrub lists were criminal?
This is pointless. XD
low rated
richlind33: I always check my facts. Some of those Diebold machines in Florida had negative vote tallies for Gore that more than covered the margin of victory.
tinyE: There is no such thing as a negative vote tally. XD

You can't vote AGAINST someone. :P

In over 200 years and countless elections, not one candidate or proposition has ever been "de-voted". :P

You went to school on the small brown bus didn't you?
There is when you're dealing with Diebold voting machines that were indiscriminately hacked.
low rated
Al Gore was a democrat? Like, the guy whose wife wanted to regulate ''disgusting'' content in music so it doesn't steal children's innocence?
Shadowstalker16: Al Gore was a democrat? Like, the guy whose wife wanted to regulate ''disgusting'' content in music so it doesn't steal children's innocence?
That wasn't him that was his nutso fucking wife, and yes, she needs to be removed from this planet. XD

I may be partial to left, but even I have my limits. :P

Of course most rock stats adore her. That sticker means an instant 50% increase in sales. :D

HEY OT, for everyone:

What was the first record you ever bought with a Parental Guidance sticker on it?
Post edited October 12, 2016 by tinyE