We tried talking to you, and genuinely sympathize, yet you refuse to seek help and work on improving your situation.
If that is what you choose for you life, then so be it, the choice is your to make.
But you have no right to continue making this forum the victim of your obsessions. You have no right to spam it everyday with the exact same links, to the exact same thing, spouting the same baseless fearmongering rhetoric, until the end of time. Hoping to beat us over the head until our logic can be bruteforced through with your spamming and we'll all agree with you. That will never happen.
In nearly 30 pages of posts, half of which are you necroing your own thread, you found two people who agree with you. And about 6 alt accounts, underhandedly trying to simulate support for you. That's barely enough for a group chat. If you are that intent on continuing this farce, you can do it like that.
No one else wants this. No one else wants to see this discussion necroed everyday, perhaps more, with more baseless nonsense accusations, slander, and fearmongering.
rtcvb32: Trump is really racist/sexist (
even though there's no proof of it)
I don't know that much about american politics, but I have seen Trump's campaign announcement speech, in which he said mexicans are rapists and murderers. And I have seen the video that recently surfaced, where he said such pearls as "I just start kissing them" and "Grab them by the pussy", and saying he can get away with it because he's a star. Of course, I could add every third sentence that comes out of his mouth as further proof.
And you say "even though there is no proof". You just ignore everything that doesn't suit you.
Like the proof that voter fraud is pretty much non-existent. Like all the proof that OneFiercePuppy provided against 9/11 being an inside job, and that Russia and China aren't taking over the internet.
You'll just ignore it and keep spouting nonsense.
I tried being civil for a long time, but not anymore.
Leave. No one wants you here.
You have the attention span of a toddler combined with the paranoid delusions of a junkie on a bad acid trip. All you say is nonsense. Even if there was any truth to be found in your constant spam we'd never find it, because it would be buried under, literally, a hundred other links; and whenever you try to expand upon it you just turn it into nonsense.
If you were even half as committed to finding the truth like you claim to be, you'd recognize that
your brain just is not equipped to find, nor comprehend the truth, and seek help to attain mental clarity, before coming in here shouting "The end is nigh!".
Leave. There are dozens of subreddits where you would fit in perfectly.
So go. You'll be happier over there, and we'd be much,
much happier if you were gone.
Whatever you do. Just get the hell out of here.