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low rated
Well, I did try to be reasonable and civil. For a moment there I hoped that as we've found the true, as Graham Greene would say, heart of the matter we might bring this sorry affair to a half-dignified end. Alas, I see it must play out untill it's natural end, farce becoming tragedy becoming farce once more.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Breja
Breja: I just hope that you can recognize finally, that you are in no condition to be having any sensible debate about the "conspiracies" you raise. It's just some bizarre coping mechanism, and it really can't go on.
rtcvb32: This thread isn't a coping mechanism. I've been 'coping' for a long long time; I have ways to keep occupied, busy and otherwise pass the time including gaming. They keep me right at the neutral line, just enough not to go crazy or commit to suicide.

Is current news articles conspiracies?
Am I war-mongering when I say there's a huge threat of war? (Potentially Nuclear)
Am I fear-mongering because there were bombs and explosions in New York?
Am I ill-informed because I don't trust the established media?

I may not have all the answers or links immediately when they are asked, but they are coming.

As I keep saying, things don't add up. If there was ever a time to pay attention to the news and going ons; it's now. Because it's all becoming incredibly transparent who is on what side and why.
Fine then but allow me to ask this. I think it's obvious that apart from richlind, no one, and I MEAN NO ONE, in this forum wants to hear this crap.

SO WHY are you continuing to post it?

If I go into a room and notice I'm pissing off 90% of the people in the room, I LEAVE THE ROOM! :P

Whether there is truth to what you post or not, we obviously don't want to hear it, and you know that, and you know damn well that you aren't going to earn any converts in here, which leaves one reason: you are in here because you want to aggravate us.

That my friend is the exact definition of a troll.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
Breja: Listen, I'm kinda sorry now about all the mocking and everything. I mean I stand by what I said in the sense that I think everything you posted here is just utter nonsense at best, slander and defemation at worst, and deserves to be mocked.

But you, as a person, do not. I had no idea about your issues then, and you obviously do have serious issues You did say some pretty disgusting things, but given the circumstance, I'm willing to let that go. I just hope that you can recognise finally, that you are in no condition to be having any sensible debate about the "conspiracies" you raise. It's just some bizzare coping mechanism, and it really can't go on. Knowing your condition I don't think anyone will continue to argue with you, and having this be just some spam thread or an echo chamber for you to keep wallowing in the conspiracy stuff can't be a good thing.
Do you ever shut up, snowflake? lol
tinyE: SO WHY are you continuing to post it?
If we didn't all band together and rage at Microsoft after the first few days of their big Xbox One always-online DRM and sharing programs, and requiring the Kinnect on 24/7... Then it wouldn't have gotten reversed.

Apathy, and complacence is how we lose rights.

I ask then. If we don't keep saying we're annoyed at Microtransactions, how long before EVERY SINGLE GAME has them? I'd say probably as soon as we stop complaining about it.

If you think we could avoid nuclear war by simply being aware or making others aware of what's going on, don't you think that's worth it?

Or... is ruffling a few feathers too high a price?
tinyE: SO WHY are you continuing to post it?
rtcvb32: If we didn't all band together and rage at Microsoft after the first few days of their big Xbox One always-online DRM and sharing programs, and requiring the Kinnect on 24/7... Then it wouldn't have gotten reversed.

Apathy, and complacence is how we lose rights.

I ask then. If we don't keep saying we're annoyed at Microtransactions, how long before EVERY SINGLE GAME has them? I'd say probably as soon as we stop complaining about it.

If you think we could avoid nuclear war by simply being aware or making others aware of what's going on, don't you think that's worth it?

Or... is ruffling a few feathers too high a price?
That's great. Mind answering the question I asked?

And you aren't ruffling any feathers, you aren't making anyone think. ALL YOU ARE DOING is getting people to fucking despise you. Do you think any of us are going to all of those links you post!? :P
We see the post, say "more of his bullshit", downrep, and move on.

All of these post you have made and the only thing I have learned from it is that your wife didn't leave you, she escaped you!
Post edited October 12, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
Part 1

Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Wikileaks: Heavy collusion to get Hillary in and ruin Trump, GOP and Paul Ryan leaked tape. 3 Organizations to destroy trump, total propaganda, actually Trump will hold Hillary accountable. Clinton camp had contacts with DOJ on email case. '<i>Unbelievable</i>'. More on emails, veto power, coaching, attacking Trump, Hillary's speeches includes cues of when to smile, and hates 'everyday Americans'. List of favorite journalists/surrogates. CNN says sexual abuses from Bill Clinton is a <i>conspiracy</i> (like her health...). Paid trolls to flood social media against negative news, paying $6million a year now. Paying to target/criticize. Wikileaks: '<i>Conspire to produce 'Unaware and compliant citizenry</i>'. Obamacare Architect calls the American people '<i>stupid</i>' which was the only way it would get passed. Rangers: Two wars, story of war (<i>taskforce 11</i>), of the events. [url=]Danny Williams. Wikileaks puts out 1,100 emails in third data dump, Qatar &amp; Saudi Arabia funding ISIS, 60Billions in trades with Saudi Arabia, women's rights, John Oliver slamming trump and downplaying Emails.

other links:
Stefan Molyneux
Steve Quayle
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Breja: loosing his grasp on reality
I wonder what is reality then if I've lost grasp of it.

Oh yes, i know. [url=]is free, We don't have any employment problems, and George Soros is just a kind old man.

Yes I'm sure that's the grasp of reality you're telling me is going on... There's no impending war... There's no Corruption in the government, and there's no conspiracy over hillary's health because she's a perfect candidate to be our first female president. Trump is really racist/sexist (even though there's no proof of it) and there aren't banks forcing themselves into our companies and economies in order to control them.

No, I've seen the light, I'm glad you reminded me that everything I've been told is a lie. I'll drink my fluoride and chemical water, I'll have my heavily sugar drinks. I'll always obey and trust my doctor and my government.

And of course we have to be careful, else Guam will capsize...

edit: fixed impending war link
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
I think it's already started Comrage, that page has been taken offline.

I'm heading for the shelter, see you there.

Luckily I have all the videos you've posted so I can watch them later.

I'll be sheltered and informed, informed and sheltered.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Kleetus
We tried talking to you, and genuinely sympathize, yet you refuse to seek help and work on improving your situation.

If that is what you choose for you life, then so be it, the choice is your to make.

But you have no right to continue making this forum the victim of your obsessions. You have no right to spam it everyday with the exact same links, to the exact same thing, spouting the same baseless fearmongering rhetoric, until the end of time. Hoping to beat us over the head until our logic can be bruteforced through with your spamming and we'll all agree with you. That will never happen.

In nearly 30 pages of posts, half of which are you necroing your own thread, you found two people who agree with you. And about 6 alt accounts, underhandedly trying to simulate support for you. That's barely enough for a group chat. If you are that intent on continuing this farce, you can do it like that.

No one else wants this. No one else wants to see this discussion necroed everyday, perhaps more, with more baseless nonsense accusations, slander, and fearmongering.

rtcvb32: Trump is really racist/sexist (even though there's no proof of it)
I don't know that much about american politics, but I have seen Trump's campaign announcement speech, in which he said mexicans are rapists and murderers. And I have seen the video that recently surfaced, where he said such pearls as "I just start kissing them" and "Grab them by the pussy", and saying he can get away with it because he's a star. Of course, I could add every third sentence that comes out of his mouth as further proof.

And you say "even though there is no proof". You just ignore everything that doesn't suit you.

Like the proof that voter fraud is pretty much non-existent. Like all the proof that OneFiercePuppy provided against 9/11 being an inside job, and that Russia and China aren't taking over the internet.

You'll just ignore it and keep spouting nonsense.

I tried being civil for a long time, but not anymore.

Leave. No one wants you here. You have the attention span of a toddler combined with the paranoid delusions of a junkie on a bad acid trip. All you say is nonsense. Even if there was any truth to be found in your constant spam we'd never find it, because it would be buried under, literally, a hundred other links; and whenever you try to expand upon it you just turn it into nonsense.

If you were even half as committed to finding the truth like you claim to be, you'd recognize that your brain just is not equipped to find, nor comprehend the truth, and seek help to attain mental clarity, before coming in here shouting "The end is nigh!".

Leave. There are dozens of subreddits where you would fit in perfectly.

So go. You'll be happier over there, and we'd be much, much happier if you were gone.

Whatever you do. Just get the hell out of here.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by DaCostaBR
low rated
DaCostaBR: We tried talking to you, and genuinely sympathize, blabbady blah blah....
Think of this as an advertisement for jerkmuter. lol
low rated
DaCostaBR: but I have seen Trump's campaign announcement speech, in which he said mexicans are rapists and murderers.
When taken out of context often. He's referring to illegal <i>criminal</i> aliens more specifically, not to 'all Mexicans'.

DaCostaBR: And I have seen the video that recently surfaced, where he said such pearls as "I just start kissing them" and "Grab them by the pussy", and saying he can get away with it because he's a star. Of course, I could add every third sentence that comes out of his mouth as further proof.
The tape was heavily edited, possibly rearranged, you can tell from the background noise to make him seem more vulgar than he was. Besides, if you're honest everyone says those things from time to time. It means he's human.

DaCostaBR: Like the proof that voter fraud is pretty much non-existent. Like all the proof that OneFiercePuppy provided against 9/11 being an inside job, and that Russia and China aren't taking over the internet.
No one has yet tried to break down all the proof issued in the video. Some provided video footage for weakened beams and steel is hardly comparable from 1/2 inch steel (preheated probably for 20-30 minutes beforehand) vs 2 1/2 inch steel (500,000 tons of it?), especially when the fires weren't around long enough (or hot enough) to heat the beams enough to make a difference. Don't forget, smoke is a sign that a fire is suffocating... And there was a lot of smoke.

Taking over the internet? I was sure I said censoring the internet (Although someone is taking over ICANN or moving it to UN control). Potentially there's also replacing sites with others which could be fraudulent and steal business or information, or pretend to be official government sites so it is a possible security risk. We'll have to see if certain media sites suddenly disappear... In china you can be arrested for having any hint of dislike for the government. Russia has heavy censorship as well. That's 2 seats that are likely to vote on censorship changes, while under US control it never had those issues to worry about.

Let's not forget Copyright is being used as censorship, on [url=]and elsewhere.

And if ICANN happens to be in china... there's no telling that they wouldn't bypass all proper procedure to force censorship.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
DaCostaBR: We tried talking to you, and genuinely sympathize, blabbady blah blah....
richlind33: Think of this as an advertisement for jerkmuter. lol
I got damn close a week or two ago, and not just because of him, but I chose not to.

Just because I'm not seeing it doesn't mean this cancer on the forum has went away.

And here I thought you, such great proponent on free speech, would admire that choice, and how running away from the problems might actually be bad for the forum. It's not rocket science, but then again, you don't even understand what science is, so maybe I was expecting too much.
Good God, more nonsense.

rtcvb32: When taken out of context often. He's referring to illegal <i>criminal</i> aliens more specifically, not to 'all Mexicans'.
It wasn't out of context. It's literally what he said, pretty much word for word, out of his mouth. And yeah, he can do damage control afterward, like when he clearly invited Russia to hack Hillary, or when he said "2nd ammendment people can take care of her", then go on the air and pretend like it was misunderstanding.

rtcvb32: The tape was heavily edited, possibly rearranged, you can tell from the background noise to make him seem more vulgar than he was. Besides, if you're honest everyone says those things from time to time. It means he's human.
No it wasn't. That's ridiculous, not even his people are claiming that. This is some "I lost the debate because my mic didn't work, yet it was paradoxically powerful enough to hear my own breathing, because I didn't sniff through the whole debate" level of rewriting history. Besides, neither me nor any friend I've ever had have bragged about harassing women and getting away with it because of our status, and if you have, then I just manage to lose even more respect for you, something I didn't think possible.

And the rest, good God, all this your talking about has been thrown back in your face multiple times in this very discussion and you just refuse to listen. Like the Trump stuff, I'm sure you'll come back with some crazy rationalization for it. But that's not the point.

You didn't refute the main point I made which was: No one wants you here. Your paranoid delusions are failing to reach anyone. You should get the fuck out of here, because you have sadly become a cancer on this forum.

I guess not even you can come up with some nonsense to refute that.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by DaCostaBR
richlind33: Think of this as an advertisement for jerkmuter.
As if JerkMuter™ needs any.

You're lucky I didn't vote your post down for saying that, very lucky.
low rated
DaCostaBR: No it wasn't. That's ridiculous, not even his people are claiming that. This is some "I lost the debate because my mic didn't work, yet it was paradoxically powerful enough to hear my own breathing, because I didn't sniff through the whole debate" level of rewriting history.
His mic wasn't working. No one in the crowd could hear him. Apparently his mic was also fading up and down all through the debate. If it was intentional or not...

edit: I'm tired, i think i'll just stop here for now.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32