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high rated
It would only be "anti gay" as you put it (or homophobic as it's known in English) if the reason for his grusome death was his sexual orientation.

If I get in a fight with a guy in a bar and attack him, then he later turns out to be gay, it's not a hate crime nor are there any anti gay sentiments. If I get in a fight with a guy specifically because he's gay, that's homophobia. See the difference?

So no, Witcher 2 isn't "anti gay", though perhaps you are for assuming that he was killed because of his sexual preferences, which wasn't the case.
So let me get this straight. There is a guy in TW2 whom the OP perceives as "obviously gay" due to his clothing. Other options (like bisexuality) are not explored by the OP at all; in fact he does exactly the same as people who discriminate gays: He looks at some "indicators" on the outside and then draws a conclusion about the inside of a person.

This guy ends up being a bad guy, and (depending on how one plays the game), there is the possibility that he gets killed brutally by the player, like many other villains in the game. Still, the OP sees a reason to single this character out.

Since the OP realizes himself that this is a pretty weak line of argument, he throws in the "proof" that made him "realize" that there might be a problem: The country in which the game was made was reported to have problems with anti-gay movements. This is in no way any form of valid reasoning, it's pure analogous thinking which was en vogue in the middle ages, but which really should stay there.

The OP then takes this hole shaky argumentation (which I'm hesitant to label an "argumentation" at all) to ask whether the whole game might be "anti-gay".

Honestly, this is silly. And it's a shame. Gay rights are a very serious, very important matter, and this important cause gets ridiculed and diminished when overblown to such a ridiculous extent.
low rated
MonstaMunch: It would only be "anti gay" as you put it (or homophobic as it's known in English) if the reason for his grusome death was his sexual orientation.

If I get in a fight with a guy in a bar and attack him, then he later turns out to be gay, it's not a hate crime nor are there any anti gay sentiments. If I get in a fight with a guy specifically because he's gay, that's homophobia. See the difference?

So no, Witcher 2 isn't "anti gay", though perhaps you are for assuming that he was killed because of his sexual preferences, which wasn't the case.
Thank you for not outright dismissive answer. :)

I have seen surprisingly many of such for such a friendly forum, yet not really ansewrs to my three probing questions about the way this particular character was dispatched compared with all other nasty charters in the Witcher series.

I do not claim this guy was dispatched because he was gay, but I do find that his character got the "worst of the lot" with a very bad death and very cowardly low character, when there was a rapist / lynchist king among others to compare with. Mostly the bad guys are somehow cool opposition despite being corrupt, but why not make this one the same?

This must be also set into context of actual quite openly hostile political situation in the country that hosts the publisher.
Witcher 2 was HOT.
Psyringe: So let me get this straight. There is a guy in TW2 whom the OP perceives as "obviously gay" due to his clothing. Other options (like bisexuality) are not explored by the OP at all; in fact he does exactly the same as people who discriminate gays: He looks at some "indicators" on the outside and then draws a conclusion about the inside of a person.

This guy ends up being a bad guy, and (depending on how one plays the game), there is the possibility that he gets killed brutally by the player, like many other villains in the game. Still, the OP sees a reason to single this character out.

Since the OP realizes himself that this is a pretty weak line of argument, he throws in the "proof" that made him "realize" that there might be a problem: The country in which the game was made was reported to have problems with anti-gay movements. This is in no way any form of valid reasoning, it's pure analogous thinking which was en vogue in the middle ages, but which really should stay there.

The OP then takes this hole shaky argumentation (which I'm hesitant to label an "argumentation" at all) to ask whether the whole game might be "anti-gay".

Honestly, this is silly. And it's a shame. Gay rights are a very serious, very important matter, and this important cause gets ridiculed and diminished when overblown to such a ridiculous extent.
I tried writing somethin similar but i kept throwing dumbass comments in and gave up so thankyou
low rated
Did you play this game, through, actually? And if so, in case it really affects the outcome in the Roche questline?

Psyringe: So let me get this straight. There is a guy in TW2 whom the OP perceives as "obviously gay" due to his clothing. Other options (like bisexuality) are not explored by the OP at all; in fact he does exactly the same as people who discriminate gays: He looks at some "indicators" on the outside and then draws a conclusion about the inside of a person.

This guy was gay because in the cut schene prior to his execution he was about to use a slave with one of the numerous dildos littered around the room. His clothing was pretty standard except I shoul have written "not shitting his robes" - except for the fact I could not really imagine Tom of Finland wizard wearing a robe

This guy ends up being a bad guy, and (depending on how one plays the game), there is the possibility that he gets killed brutally by the player, like many other villains in the game. Still, the OP sees a reason to single this character out.

Well, I did ask three questions why this particular guy gets particularly humiliating and demeaning treatment - cutting genitalia I imagine is very painful and cutting throat is very distressing way of death - I think for the latter the Jewish / Musulman ritualistic slaughter is not legal in most of Europe. The other bad guys rather got a show down. Why not here, in quite an über way, since this seems to be TW2 standard?

Since the OP realizes himself that this is a pretty weak line of argument, he throws in the "proof" that made him "realize" that there might be a problem: The country in which the game was made was reported to have problems with anti-gay movements. This is in no way any form of valid reasoning, it's pure analogous thinking which was en vogue in the middle ages, but which really should stay there.

The OP then takes this hole shaky argumentation (which I'm hesitant to label an "argumentation" at all) to ask whether the whole game might be "anti-gay".

Honestly, this is silly. And it's a shame. Gay rights are a very serious, very important matter, and this important cause gets ridiculed and diminished when overblown to such a ridiculous extent.
The legistlation I was referring to was the Court of Law allowing a Party (albeit marginal and extreme one) to register a reglia or image that was known to be anti-gay openly. This is not really correct behaviour in European Eunion.
TStael: I would much appreciate opinion of other gamers who have played though. Do you think at all the same way? Or would you think I am draving totally wrong, overreacting conculusions? Or if my anti-gay take of this particular characterisation is in fact at all hitting the mark even by margin, even if you have not played it, do you think this should in principle not be ok?
The Witcher is, in my opinion, set apart from most other games because of its total lack of clear-cut answers to what is right and what is wrong. In a way, everything is wrong - as a witcher your job is basically to clean up messes, and it's never pretty. You may go a bit out of your way to right some wrongs, but there's no "happily ever after" - quite the contrary in many cases. It would be a very interesting philosophical debate to figure out the "best" way for Geralt to act throughout his adventures.

With the above in mind I'd say that any perceived homophobic sentiments in the game can be dismissed. This is not a game where the creators are trying to set a moral standard for you as the player to follow (or deviate from in order to get "evil points"). The world Geralt lives in is a tough, unfair world, and he's not on a holy crusade to set it right. If this was done in a combat simulator slash rpg, and it was US soldiers doing the deed, it would be very, very different.
TStael: I do not claim this guy was dispatched because he was gay, but I do find that his character got the "worst of the lot" with a very bad death and very cowardly low character,
Yes, but as you said, the reason for his death wasn't the fact that he was gay, which means it wasn't anti gay. He died the death of a bad guy, but I think it was because he was a bad guy, not because he was gay.
low rated
Psyringe: So let me get this straight. There is a guy in TW2 whom the OP perceives as "obviously gay" due to his clothing. Other options (like bisexuality) are not explored by the OP at all; in fact he does exactly the same as people who discriminate gays: He looks at some "indicators" on the outside and then draws a conclusion about the inside of a person.

This guy ends up being a bad guy, and (depending on how one plays the game), there is the possibility that he gets killed brutally by the player, like many other villains in the game. Still, the OP sees a reason to single this character out.

Since the OP realizes himself that this is a pretty weak line of argument, he throws in the "proof" that made him "realize" that there might be a problem: The country in which the game was made was reported to have problems with anti-gay movements. This is in no way any form of valid reasoning, it's pure analogous thinking which was en vogue in the middle ages, but which really should stay there.

The OP then takes this hole shaky argumentation (which I'm hesitant to label an "argumentation" at all) to ask whether the whole game might be "anti-gay".

Honestly, this is silly. And it's a shame. Gay rights are a very serious, very important matter, and this important cause gets ridiculed and diminished when overblown to such a ridiculous extent.
I was not able to post comments in between so I post as overall commets - again, sorry.

But I do agree with Psyringe on one point: because gay rights are a serious matter, where there are countries are still today imposing death penaltly on homosexual behaviour, I do find that dismissing mean attitudes in entertanement is bit hypocritical.

Regarding Psyringes specific comments:

- the guy is gay due to his cothing

No, he is obviously gay due to dialogue and abudance of dildos leading up to exectuion secene, with the sex slave

- him being singled out and possible being killed

He is not possible killed, he shall be killed if Roche path is chosen, as described (cutting the genitalia, cutting the throat) - both of with are quite painful, cruel, and demeaning, and the latter even banned for ritualistic slaughter in Europe

The issue was not him being killed, the question why he was killed in this particularly demeaning way compared to the other bad guys

And yes, gay rights are a serious matter, and I think ground princple of European Union.
low rated
TStael: I would much appreciate opinion of other gamers who have played though. Do you think at all the same way? Or would you think I am draving totally wrong, overreacting conculusions? Or if my anti-gay take of this particular characterisation is in fact at all hitting the mark even by margin, even if you have not played it, do you think this should in principle not be ok?
pH7: The Witcher is, in my opinion, set apart from most other games because of its total lack of clear-cut answers to what is right and what is wrong. In a way, everything is wrong - as a witcher your job is basically to clean up messes, and it's never pretty. You may go a bit out of your way to right some wrongs, but there's no "happily ever after" - quite the contrary in many cases. It would be a very interesting philosophical debate to figure out the "best" way for Geralt to act throughout his adventures.

With the above in mind I'd say that any perceived homophobic sentiments in the game can be dismissed. This is not a game where the creators are trying to set a moral standard for you as the player to follow (or deviate from in order to get "evil points"). The world Geralt lives in is a tough, unfair world, and he's not on a holy crusade to set it right. If this was done in a combat simulator slash rpg, and it was US soldiers doing the deed, it would be very, very different.
But... have you ever seen heterosexual guy raping a slave in any RPG, as opposed to this Dethmold? Why was Dethmold executed with all the cutting stuff, but the rapist king that ordered the lynching potentially went on to glory (or was simply stabbed or whatever)? In Witcher or any other RPG, has there ever been a positive example of gay hero or "heroic bad guy gay"?

Unfair world could have been achieved without singling out a particular group of persons.

As I said, I do not mind this bad guy was gay but just that he got such miserable, mean death, and why he did not get a cool show down.
Frankly i found Henselt and Loredo every bit as disgusting as Dethmold, so i definitely can't see "most of the bad guys are somehow cool oposition".

The motivation for Dethmold's particulary gruesome death is explained by what he did to Ves, since she admitted being raped by Henselt but prefered to lie about Dethmold letting her go i'll leave to your imagination what actually went down and the reason why Roche became so keen on giving Dethmold a painfull death from the moment Geralt points out that Ves didn't tell them everything because Dethmold would never just let her go.

It's funny, in regards to Dethmold what stood out more about him for me wasn't even his homosexuality but that he was a sadistic bastard who got off on humilliating and demeaning women.

You asked for other opinions so i'll give mine to you, you're reaching.
MonstaMunch: It would only be "anti gay" as you put it (or homophobic as it's known in English) if the reason for his grusome death was his sexual orientation.

If I get in a fight with a guy in a bar and attack him, then he later turns out to be gay, it's not a hate crime nor are there any anti gay sentiments. If I get in a fight with a guy specifically because he's gay, that's homophobia. See the difference?

So no, Witcher 2 isn't "anti gay", though perhaps you are for assuming that he was killed because of his sexual preferences, which wasn't the case.
This x100
Honestly, I think people need to stop caring so much about what sort of people others choose to stick their genitalia in. Homosexuality (or hetrosexuality) really shouldn't be what defines a character in their entirety. If The Witcher 2 made damn sure that you knew said character was gay, then portrayed the violence against him to be a direct result of his homosexuality, then yes--that would be very anti-gay. But none of this is the case. Portraying a rather gruesome death of a character who may or may not be gay, as a result of his other crimes, is in no way homophobic.
Post edited December 26, 2011 by jefequeso
It's not really a PC game at all. I always thought The Witcher was pretty misogynist. My girlfriend wasn't pleased when she realized I was collecting sex cards in the first Witcher.

"But, that's basically putting women on the same level as Pokemon!"

"I suppose, because I have to catch em all!" *smack*

But as for the OP, overtly gay lisping cowardly villains have been popular in media for hundreds of years. At least the message is that he's a villain and he's gay, not he's a villain because he is gay. I may not agree with it (mostly because gay is equated as a character flaw) but it's a fairly common trope, and TW2 is not the worst example.
pH7: snip
TStael: But... have you ever seen heterosexual guy raping a slave in any RPG, as opposed to this Dethmold? Why was Dethmold executed with all the cutting stuff, but the rapist king that ordered the lynching potentially went on to glory (or was simply stabbed or whatever)? In Witcher or any other RPG, has there ever been a positive example of gay hero or "heroic bad guy gay"?
Um, IIRC stopping the assasinations of kings was kind of the point? Cutting the king into little pieces would be kind of counter-productive, wouldn't it, even if he deserved it?

I don't keep a tally on who's raping, killing, torturing or cheating on who in RPGs so I wouldn't know. I don't really care - it's a game, and as long it's named NPCs integral to the story rather than generic enemies/sources of xp, I don't view it as singling out a specific group.

Would it make any difference if there was a RPG with a gay hero? How would that differ from any other RPG anyway? Come to think of it, there are quite a few games that offer "bisexual options" at certain points, some times to allow for the player to be homosexual, other times because the NPC is. What more do you 'need'?

I would think most developers avoid creating a game with a pronounced gay hero because of the problems with reactions from NPCs etc - while it's ok for a dwarf to dislike an elf at first sight, it wouldn't be politically correct if fantasy races are replaced by real sexual preferences.

TStael: Unfair world could have been achieved without singling out a particular group of persons.
Without a doubt. It could also be done without singling out poor people, uneducated people, stupid people, weak people, ugly people and so on. Well, maybe not.

However, I disagree with you as to gay people being singled out here. His sexual preferences isn't the issue.

TStael: As I said, I do not mind this bad guy was gay but just that he got such miserable, mean death, and why he did not get a cool show down.
You mean he's entitled to a not overly mean death, and a cool show down .. because he's gay?
Post edited December 27, 2011 by pH7
TStael: I would much appreciate opinion of other gamers who have played though. Do you think at all the same way? Or would you think I am draving totally wrong, overreacting conculusions? Or if my anti-gay take of this particular characterisation is in fact at all hitting the mark even by margin, even if you have not played it, do you think this should in principle not be ok?
I would say you are reading too much into it, and possibly taking it out of context.
Have you read through the Witcher saga books? It's one of the harshest, brutal and honest representations of life in the middle ages I have seen in fantasy literature.
The game story follows the spirit of the books. There is no black and white, right or wrong, the dark or the light side of the force. There are choices with meaningful consequences and the Witcher/player has to live with them.
I would have to agree with Namur's response, that Dethmold's gruesome death was warranted by the story (killing of the blue stripes and raping and humiliation of Ves). If somebody raped/sexually assaulted a woman close to you, especially in those times, it seems very logical to start the execution of the culprit with the implicated parts,i.e., the genitalia. All I see here is a natural reaction that does not have anything to do with the bad guy being gay or not.