Psyringe: So let me get this straight. There is a guy in TW2 whom the OP perceives as "obviously gay" due to his clothing. Other options (like bisexuality) are not explored by the OP at all; in fact he does exactly the same as people who discriminate gays: He looks at some "indicators" on the outside and then draws a conclusion about the inside of a person.
This guy ends up being a bad guy, and (depending on how one plays the game), there is the possibility that he gets killed brutally by the player, like many other villains in the game. Still, the OP sees a reason to single this character out.
Since the OP realizes himself that this is a pretty weak line of argument, he throws in the "proof" that made him "realize" that there might be a problem: The
country in which the game was made was
reported to have problems with anti-gay movements. This is in no way any form of valid reasoning, it's pure analogous thinking which was en vogue in the middle ages, but which really should stay there.
The OP then takes this hole shaky argumentation (which I'm hesitant to label an "argumentation" at all) to ask whether the whole game might be "anti-gay".
Honestly, this is silly. And it's a shame. Gay rights are a very serious, very important matter, and this important cause gets ridiculed and diminished when overblown to such a ridiculous extent.
I was not able to post comments in between so I post as overall commets - again, sorry.
But I do agree with Psyringe on one point: because gay rights are a serious matter, where there are countries are still today imposing death penaltly on homosexual behaviour, I do find that dismissing mean attitudes in entertanement is bit hypocritical.
Regarding Psyringes specific comments:
- the guy is gay due to his cothing
No, he is obviously gay due to dialogue and abudance of dildos leading up to exectuion secene, with the sex slave
- him being singled out and possible being killed
He is not possible killed, he shall be killed if Roche path is chosen, as described (cutting the genitalia, cutting the throat) - both of with are quite painful, cruel, and demeaning, and the latter even banned for ritualistic slaughter in Europe
The issue was not him being killed, the question why he was killed in this particularly demeaning way compared to the other bad guys
And yes, gay rights are a serious matter, and I think ground princple of European Union.