DNeverend: With the release of Grim Fandango approaching, I am wondering to myself when System Shock will be released? I would like to point out that the three most requested games on the GOG wishlist are:
1: Grim Fandango at 46,923 votes
2: System Shock 2 at 35,871 votes
3: System Shock 1 at 32,494 votes
I am very hopeful that since the 2 most requested gamed have been released(wish fulfilled) that the third one will be on the way in the near future. System Shock is what pulled me into gaming and since System Shock 2 I have been playing titles that have been trying to replace the best rpg shooters in gaming history(in my opinion) Deus Ex 1-3, Bioshock 1-3, a few others here and there that don't quite hit the same mark.
Please release the best game I have ever played!
I would like to give you my money now!
Thank-you in advance!
But, you are mistaken. They aren't releasing the good old game Grim Fandango here. They are releasing an altered version of the game called Grim Fandango Rebastard, I mean, Remastered, it is not the same thing, at all. It's like telling me watching the Star Wars with new scenes and remastering is the same as watching the theatrical release version. It is not.
^Probably why LucasArts and Disney are such a great match, and hurt me to my core.