Arcadius-8606: Is depends on how the franchise is being handled and who's in charge. I'm going to make a niche example with a comic called 'Savage Dragon' by Eric Larsen. He owns it outright and does it all on his own terms. The comic is still ongoing and has done things that more superhero comics have not done of the course of 20+ years:
* Main character has children and step out of spotlight of the book
* Child is now the main character and has been for many years now
* No retcons or reboots
* Inject real world issues and people
Erik has stated that Savage Dragon begins and ends with him. Not sure if that will be the case once he moves on but I think it's a great example of a franchise (comics, cartoon, toys, merch...yadda) that still sticks by the principles of the owner.
Once these things get so big that original owner or intention gets lost in the weeds, then it's set to ruin.
As with all things, the bigger it gets the more out of control it can become. Somethings are huge but still have a core principle like Toei Animation but there is a different culture and mindset behind that company that may be unique to where it stems from.
In the end all you can do is decide to support it or not. Thankfully, with indie in all facets of entertainment we have more choices to choose from.
Sadly i don't know anything about Savage Dragon or anything comic related.
Yes, usually they start downhill after the rights owners change. As that results in a different target audience and vision ,dunno why they do this , most of the time this results in a fail.
Yup I'm glad there are plenty of new franchises like The Expanse or The Witcher to take these old ones places. Still sad to see my fav universes ruined. Well at least they still can be turned back and produce something good.
idbeholdME: Doubt it. I'm afraid that this ride only goes downhill.
Maybe ,I've heard EA will lose the SW exclusiveness for games and ubi started to make sw games too. Probably it will be just another AssCreed reskin.