amok: you are also allowed to tell people that what they are saying is rubbish, and that they should get a grip.... talk about 1st world problems.
Agreed 100%....I was just musing on it, and alluding to how I see little point in it personally.
amok: - I wonder which store I should buy my digital games from -
buy them or don't buy them - it matters not
True, but at least it's something to talk about for some of us.
And also tbh I like some more discussion in GD than just sales and release threads, and old forum games.....and it's often better than spam and etc threads we get a good amount of every so often.
(Sorry for wasting your time replying to me, btw) ================================================
An aside to the low raters...question: Why did you hit the OP as well as some others? He was polite and made a somewhat decent thread.
Did you do it just because he agreed with me and I with him? Are y'all that pathetic and insecure?