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low rated
speakk: The community is now responsible for doing the job of the platform.
Yeah, what else is new. ;P
speakk: I can't even sort my library by last updated to be able to look up the changelogs myself.
That's indeed a feature I'd have liked to have seen for years now, there might even be a wishlist entry for that somewhere.
low rated
sanscript: Still, GOG is our best option, no need to abandon the ship... yet :D
Imo we should still give support(ideas/money/etc) to any new competitors if only to get GOG to notice and maybe change course on some things(if possible) such one(as I said) is Zoom.
No need to give up. The store still has games that you can't get anywhere else without working for it. It's a shame GOG seemingly does not 'get' what they have and instead try to put on the bigger pants that other storefronts can fit into. But hey, it's been the same problems over and over, hopefully one day they come to understand that you don't need to be Steam to flourish and grow.
low rated
amok: To be honest - who the fck cares wheter you use gOg or not. it is a store... buy from here if you want, or buy your games elsewhere. there is no need for this drama.
GameRager: If I may ask: what's wrong with people expressing their issues with something? If you dislike the topic ignore it and move on....simple as.
I'm allowed my opinion, and my opinion is - who the feck cares
idbeholdME: You always have to connect somewhere (be it a server or another computer directly) to play multiplayer.
Not true. Forcing multiplayer throught 3rd party servers is DRM.

DRM free is, if I can get the game and be sure to be able to play the MULTI PLAYER 50 years later even if the internet would suddenly cease to exist. I just connect two old PC's through ethernet or serial cable and im ready to some multiplayer fun.
low rated
amok: I'm allowed my opinion, and my opinion is - who the feck cares
Fair enough.....I just scratch my head at anyone coming into any thread just to complain about'd be(imo) akin to a vegan walking into a butcher shop and then getting a bit worked up over seeing and smelling meat.
Post edited May 18, 2020 by GameRager
amok: I'm allowed my opinion, and my opinion is - who the feck cares
GameRager: Fair enough.....I just scratch my head at anyone coming into any thread just to complain about it for some reason or'd be(imo) akin to a vegan walking into a butcher shop and then getting a bit worked up over seeing and smelling meat.
you are also allowed to tell people that what they are saying is rubbish, and that they should get a grip.... talk about 1st world problems. - I wonder which store I should buy my digital games from -

buy them or don't buy them - it matters not
high rated
GOG is still overwhelmingly DRM-Free, by far the leading force in DRM-Free and I doubt there will ever be a 1:1 alternative anytime soon. The problem I have with today's GOG (vs the GOG of 2010-2017) is that whilst there's nothing wrong offering a client for those who want it, its mere existence should not negatively impact the offline installer experience which is what's increasingly been happening over the past 2-3 years. And to me, it's those offline installers that are still GOG's Unique Selling Point and why many of us are here, regardless of how much they try too hard to become Steam Junior.

GOG don't need "giving up on", but they do currently get filed under "needs work" or "could do better" regarding the tunnel-vision obsession with Galaxy and "offline installer = 2nd class experience" thing.
low rated
amok: you are also allowed to tell people that what they are saying is rubbish, and that they should get a grip.... talk about 1st world problems.
Agreed 100%....I was just musing on it, and alluding to how I see little point in it personally.

amok: - I wonder which store I should buy my digital games from -

buy them or don't buy them - it matters not
True, but at least it's something to talk about for some of us.

And also tbh I like some more discussion in GD than just sales and release threads, and old forum games.....and it's often better than spam and etc threads we get a good amount of every so often.

(Sorry for wasting your time replying to me, btw)

An aside to the low raters...question: Why did you hit the OP as well as some others? He was polite and made a somewhat decent thread.

Did you do it just because he agreed with me and I with him? Are y'all that pathetic and insecure?
Post edited May 18, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
Never! After putting up with the onslaught of shovelware on Steam such as asset flips, scam, or hentai 'games', GOG is a god send IMHO. So glad to move over here instead. Also, much better customer service from CDPR than the lack thereof from Valve. ^_-
low rated
LaTaleFanatic1985: Never! After putting up with the onslaught of shovelware on Steam such as asset flips, scam, or hentai 'games', GOG is a god send IMHO. So glad to move over here instead. Also, much better customer service from CDPR than the lack thereof from Valve. ^_-
Some asset flips are fun, and adult games can be as well sometimes.

(Of course I agree on scams being bad, but I think people should be able to buy any other games they want if a store is allowed to sell them and is old enough to play them)
high rated
amok: you are also allowed to tell people that what they are saying is rubbish, and that they should get a grip....
I guess you are but the question is why do you even feel the need to? If you don't care, why get involved at all? What's the point? Do you think they will listen if told in such a condescending way? Isn't that just fighting drama with more drama? :/
Post edited May 18, 2020 by Leroux
I'm with timppu here. I think as long as I can easily use a script to back up my entire collection and can play any single player campaign without needing a connection/client, I'm all good with GOG.
low rated
I might be pushing it, but I still haven't seen any facts, hard numbers, statistics about (real) DRM games vs non-DRM games on GOG and that DRM is swallowing GOG, neither here, Steam, nor on Reddit.

Huge giveaway to the first one that can prove the ever growing DRM-games on GOG and that it soon outweighs the DRM-free games... XD

GameRager: An aside to the low raters...question: Why did you hit the OP as well as some others? He was polite and made a somewhat decent thread.
Many here are too lazy to actually get involved and really prefer those shiny buttons like it gives them real power. This isn't new, but it's a great example of how the forum have become, and something GOG has chosen to leave it rotten.
Post edited May 18, 2020 by sanscript
low rated
sanscript: I might be pushing it, but I still haven't seen any facts, hard numbers, statistics about (real) DRM games vs non-DRM games on GOG and that DRM is swallowing GOG, neither here, Steam, nor on Reddit.
Still as you said, GOG has other issues that aren't as unfounded as that one(the drm one).

sanscript: Many here are too lazy to actually get involved and really prefer those shiny buttons like it gives them real power. This isn't new, but it's a great example of how the forum have become, and something GOG has chosen to leave it rotten.
The "funny" thing they don't seem to get or care about is that those low ratings mean nothing in the long is just a waste of time on their part, and is also one of the things GOG could likely improve(with a forum upgrade possibly) if they so chose.

That is part of why I suggested via the zoom thread that any zoom forum not employ a low rate button, to avoid such nonsense.