Ixamyakxim: If GoG can eventually bring a somewhat "unified" multiplayer system, I wouldn't mind it at all. I HATED "Want to play GAME X? Create a Game X Account!" "Want to play GAME Y? Game Y Account, yay!" This is why I use Live damnit, to avoid this nonsense!
clarry: If GOG can or should eventually bring one thing or another, I'd rather like that they bring back the old days where you just don't need any accounts at all. Connect to a masterserver (optional step, and the master server could be run by a third party or even implemented as a third party feature) to get a list of servers, then directly connect to the server you want to play. And you're done...
I'm sad that people here would ask for DRM.
Don't worry. PC gamers are slowly starting to speak out against Digital Rights Management (DRM) in the multiplayer of PC versions of video games.
In the last what three weeks? I have seen about five of these topics being made.
xbeanx3000: So it's...
1/ Full DRM that keeps all your games into a single library and requires log-in to begin anything.
1/ Single game accounts that work a bit like the old CD-Key system, giving the option of cheaters being banned but not needling a log-in for single-player and LAN. You still get the annoyance of remembering log-in details for MP though.
3/ The old CD-key system which still leaves an option of banning cheaters but doesn't require a log-in at any stage. Not in single-player, not in online multiplayer or LAN. The key is just your identity.
4/ No checks what so ever. So no need for cdkeys/log-ins anywhere. The downside is cheaters wont have an identity to get banned by.
5/ The no.4 way but with option of banning a persons physical hardware. That might be good.
I now want to lay down lol.
If GOG Galaxy starts removing an existing multiplayer key system from already existing DRM-free game then that would be worrying. But I suppose if Galaxy just sticks to doing multiplayer for previously DRM exclusives then maybe that's OK?
Thanks for all the replies.
No, lets keep PC versions of video games that have multiplayer that are sold on gog.com 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free.
No CD Keys or GoG Galaxy either. Use GoG Galaxy for achievements and whatever else, but not for multiplayer.
PC gamers are slowly speaking out and I hope gog.com shows the video game publishing companies and the video game development companies, that PC gamers don't want CD Keys or GoG Galaxy used for the multiplayer of the video games that they purchase.
The video game publishing companies and the video game development companies need to provide us with Dedicated Servers that we can set up ourselves so the multiplayer of the PC versions of video games that have multiplayer sold on gog.com can live on basically forever.
Again I will tell you look at Unreal Tournament and Red Faction.
Also another way to ban hackers is to use a ANTI-CHEAT system like Punkbuster.
I personally don't mind banning hackers every time I see them. I'd rather ban them from my server and have them join another server, there will be PC gamers who make server specifically for hackers only to join. It's stupid to make someone who hacks get banned from every single server that's a waste of money and a waste of a video game. Just let the hackers get banned from YOUR server and join another server, then that hacker might get banned from that server as well when he is seen or she is seen.
And video game publishing companies and video game development companies need to stop using Peer to Peer (P2P) for the multiplayer of the PC versions of their video games that they sell and have multiplayer.