MaxFulvus: ..Personally, I prefer to save my 3 $ for a game from my wishlist when it goes on sale, rather than to win a game I'am sure I won't play.
Same with me. In both Pinata batches I'm only missing a few games I'm interested in, so chances would be very high I'd be left with something unwanted. Not my type of sale. Also the discounted games aren't exactly brilliant offers for GOG regulars. Almost no game that hasn't been discounted more or equal before.
DeMignon: Unfortunately, that's my experience as well. GOG support used to be pretty good ... Those times seem to be gone...
blotunga: Well at least they are trying to improve. They are hiring.
You're right, at least they're trying, but I doubt some support rookies will offer anything better than by the book service. It'll only be faster. Let's hope that with less workload, quality will rise again. At least we still have a tech-savvy and helpful community ;-)