Posted March 16, 2015

Also I may be condescending but it doesn't mean it's not true. being upset or not being happy with something is one thing fine but in the grand scheme of things it's stupid and childish to get all worked up over it like that and decide to leave because they are what spliting up the bundles. Sorry but that is as stupid as people getting all bothered and acting like the franchise is dead and talking about boycotting for all to hear because there was a Black storm trooper and a claymore lightsaber in the teaser for the next Star Wars.
I'm sorry but if people put that much rage and effort in to real problems, we wouldn't have half the damn messes we have now. Maybe it's because I am older, have kids and live in a state run by a dumb ass who cares more to kissing up to NYC then the rest of the state in a country run by equal to greater dumb asses who only care about sucking up to big corporations and party lines but be that as it may and as pretentious as it sounds it's none the less true.