No the fact is I get NO damn time during the day to play, have fun make friends online because family issues
This is what happens to me all the damn time and I screamed at my mother that I am Sick and tired with her going on all day and half the night when I should be sleeping
so when I should be sleeping I'm either on this forum trying to have a conversation and trying to help people see that there problems are not so bad or I'm gaming and taking a MUCH needed breather away from constant turbo-grilling questions that make me feel like a Noose is wrapped around my neck or getting clotheslined by "wait just one more question" (GOD HOW I HATE THAT!)
my parent never shuts up neither does my sister when I NEED quiet time the ME TIME
So I get really Pissed off when people derep me when I'm stating the obvious that I've been chiselled and drilled at with multiple questions with No real tangible answers and I'm about to either Smash things because I find the sound of breaking glass very therapeutic or go troppo on the threads my life
IS that horrible
Imagine you get up to Your sister has shit on the floor - Again then you clean it up then make her a hot drink
Then your parent wakes up (even though you do want you parent awake because of the insane barrage of Questions needing IMMEDIATE ANSWERS) because said sister has screamed her awake
then Insane amount of questioning LASTING ALL DAY and HALFWAY INTO THE NIGHT being constantly turbo-grilled
then idiots on threads going "I'm a crackhead" or "My cheese sandwich had less cheese then I wanted"
I have just answered UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONS in record time and to the best of my ability I really don't want any more questions asked!