Habanerose: Not actual disagreement, just assumed that you were trying to call me one...
Let's just say I've had a few talks with a few "others" (quite full of themselves) who have tried such smart-assery lately. :P
So, sorry if I was mistaken on your intent. ;)
As for the second part, I don't speak finnish, and as it is, google can only convey so much. That's why I skipped bit, but thanks for trying to explain.
But in case you are French, in fact, you must know there is a difference between "enfent" and "gosse".
In the Scandic North there is five-nation free movement, and love of our neighbours.
I hope Denmark is still there, but I really feel more proudly Finn, knowing that our neighbours feel for us, and even if they were cold-hearted fools, always still, I will feel for Sweden and Estonia, even with heart-break.
In case you got me wrong, let me correct u: I love the Scandic love. Especially so, because it might be slightly idealistic.