misteryo: Years ago when I was a poor student I got a very cheap almost free student copy of Windows 7 Ultimate. I kept that license through two pc builds by calling MS and explaining my student copy and reading them the activation code. Then when Windows 10 was coming up, I installed the tech preview, and MS eventually decided to give all us tech preview people the final release for free.
During all that time, I messed about a bit with a Debian release, MInt once or twice, and something else I don't remember. We also acquired a Chromebook which I am forever happy we have around.
But, the fact that Windows has been practically free for me for a decade has made it pretty painless to stick with. And I'm not afraid of moving to Linux someday if I have to. But, truth be told, I am not much of a power user - less so as time goes on, even. So, Windows really does everything I need it to do. (Well, I'm tech enough to find 3rd party solutions for those funny things that are a bit out of the ordinary.)
Odds are you already use linux. What's your phone?