P1na: The topic title confuses me. If I like the game, why wouldn't I want to not play it? And if I don't like the game, why would I want to watch you play?
I don't intend to offend, I simply don't get it.
no offense taken.
in part, it's a riff on the space quest v "genetix" logo [we play god so you don't have to] and along the way it also has to do with the sierra games themselves.
i'm pretty sure some people here have fond memories of them, but then they'll start playing them and remember some of the really trivial deaths that were in those games.
as an example: concurrently, while i was playing larry two for my channel, one of my viewers started playing it alongside me. we both got to the ship and both made it to the life raft, but he kept dying and he couldn't figure out why until he watched that week's video. he'd forgotten the sunscreen. and that was /way/ back at the beginning of the game. this was about the point where he threw up his hands and decided he didn't want to do that again.
re: "if i don't like the game..." that's some of the reason i eventually branched out a little. i wanted to give people something to watch from all of the eras of gaming. some very early stuff [like the sierra games] - some mid-nineties/early two thousands stuff [like magic: the gathering] and some newer stuff - like hearthstone.
i'm never going to play /everything/ that's to /everyone's/ tastes, but a little variety goes a long way, i think.