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police quest 2 update:

we find jesse bains' gun, we book all our evidence and then we go out on a date with marie. it's not especially romantic, because i order the meatloaf ;)

also, ahoy! sneezing ahead. sorry about that :P
a new episode of magic: the gathering.

a short one at that. i run through the last couple of dungeons and then set off to find the castle clues only to discover's pretty difficult to get the dungeon clues. so i do something a little reprehensible and bad: i cheat :P
hearthstone, episode 3:

we talk a little about decks and quests:
a hearthstone bonus video in which i show off what getting all the classes to level 10 looks like:
sonny and keith hear about a new murder in lytton and go to investigate. seems like bains isn't really content with sonny putting him behind bars:
i go castle stomping in magic: the gathering.

it's a bit like dungeon running, but with some /slight/ differences.

i also visit some final deck archetypes from years gone by:
more romping around in castles!

this time with a tournament-worthy deck [just called "the deck"] and some very annoying land destruction. [although, that particular duel goes down without me really even doing any land destruction at all.]
this week in hearhstone is pony-riffic. i end up getting the hearthsteed.

that and an arena run, how droll.
police quest ii hilarity. i find a tube of pink lipstick at a crime scene and...well...make some awkward inferences about bains :P
final episode of magic: the gathering: shandalar.

i take "the deck" for a final spin. it takes a while to get going, but boy when we do...i dish out a bunch of trouble.
The topic title confuses me. If I like the game, why wouldn't I want to not play it? And if I don't like the game, why would I want to watch you play?

I don't intend to offend, I simply don't get it.
P1na: The topic title confuses me. If I like the game, why wouldn't I want to not play it? And if I don't like the game, why would I want to watch you play?

I don't intend to offend, I simply don't get it.
no offense taken.

in part, it's a riff on the space quest v "genetix" logo [we play god so you don't have to] and along the way it also has to do with the sierra games themselves.

i'm pretty sure some people here have fond memories of them, but then they'll start playing them and remember some of the really trivial deaths that were in those games.

as an example: concurrently, while i was playing larry two for my channel, one of my viewers started playing it alongside me. we both got to the ship and both made it to the life raft, but he kept dying and he couldn't figure out why until he watched that week's video. he'd forgotten the sunscreen. and that was /way/ back at the beginning of the game. this was about the point where he threw up his hands and decided he didn't want to do that again.

re: "if i don't like the game..." that's some of the reason i eventually branched out a little. i wanted to give people something to watch from all of the eras of gaming. some very early stuff [like the sierra games] - some mid-nineties/early two thousands stuff [like magic: the gathering] and some newer stuff - like hearthstone.

i'm never going to play /everything/ that's to /everyone's/ tastes, but a little variety goes a long way, i think.
lostwolfe: as an example: concurrently, while i was playing larry two for my channel, one of my viewers started playing it alongside me. we both got to the ship and both made it to the life raft, but he kept dying and he couldn't figure out why until he watched that week's video. he'd forgotten the sunscreen. and that was /way/ back at the beginning of the game. this was about the point where he threw up his hands and decided he didn't want to do that again
Ah, good old fashioned "dead man walking" syndrome, where you can make the game unwinnable and not realize it until hours later near the end. Thankfully I've never run into that in an adventure game myself, but some of the horror stories I have been hearing about the King's Quest series is making me lean more toward watching LPs instead of tearing my hair out.
lostwolfe: as an example: concurrently, while i was playing larry two for my channel, one of my viewers started playing it alongside me. we both got to the ship and both made it to the life raft, but he kept dying and he couldn't figure out why until he watched that week's video. he'd forgotten the sunscreen. and that was /way/ back at the beginning of the game. this was about the point where he threw up his hands and decided he didn't want to do that again
Jonesy89: Ah, good old fashioned "dead man walking" syndrome, where you can make the game unwinnable and not realize it until hours later near the end. Thankfully I've never run into that in an adventure game myself, but some of the horror stories I have been hearing about the King's Quest series is making me lean more toward watching LPs instead of tearing my hair out.
yeah. king's quest can be a little dire about that kind of thing. you can get through - in some cases - nearly the whole game and then - at the end - discover that you missed something and it will kill you.

one prime example: if you don't get all set up for the end game in king's quest ii, then you'll be stranded in a fantastic alternate universe, but die because you didn't pick up a hunk of meat /way/ back when somewhere near the middle of the game.
lostwolfe: yeah. king's quest can be a little dire about that kind of thing. you can get through - in some cases - nearly the whole game and then - at the end - discover that you missed something and it will kill you.

one prime example: if you don't get all set up for the end game in king's quest ii, then you'll be stranded in a fantastic alternate universe, but die because you didn't pick up a hunk of meat /way/ back when somewhere near the middle of the game.
And can you go back and get it then?