SonnyD: So you don't care about anybody and you don't like to help other people but you expect completly strangers on the internet to help and advice you on your life crisis?
Maxvorstadt: Sounds like Sociopathy to me! Or is ot Psychopathy?
Nah it's rather difficult to make such an diagnosis though the web I guess, not everyone who is selfish is a sociopath or a psychopath but it sounds a little bit like on.
So, OP, if you want help, then help yourself by trying to change your way of thinking. First step: Find something to care about. A Hamster, a cat a dog or something you can learn building an emotional relationship to. Or try making new friends or get closer with older friends. Show serious interest and concern for their thoughts and open up to the idea that there everyone is an individual as much as you are.
If you truely have the desire to change this will work. If you only want to avoid being punished in a cosmic sense of way you've already failed.