theslitherydeee: Say you had download links to game demos and betas that you had bought from a store when it was available for a short time, but could be used by anyone, that are no longer available and look like they will never be released. Someone asks you to share the links. Would you? Hypothetically of course.
Ooh an ethical question.
Demos, sure. Unless the reason the demo was removed was because of a bug that could cause issues with the computer (Look up the Demo Disc for PS2 with Viewtiful Joe 2 for some lols). I've always seen demos as essentially shareware. Unless the developers asked people to no longer share it, I see no problems. Hypothetically.
As for betas, that's a bit trickier.
For a friend? Sure, I'm only distributing to one person. May not be legal, but ethically I feel fine with that.
For a stranger.. Well, it depends entirely on what is contained on the beta. If the beta is essentially a full version game, probably not, at least until I know they won't then distribute them further.
Just my opinion though.