IAmSinistar: Not that I know of, but I'm happy to provide a test case. Any game from the bundle you'd like to try?
HypersomniacLive: Ah, that was not the goal of my question but thanks for the offer, lol.
I already own all the developed-by-Daedalic games, the HOGs are of no particular interest to me and I haven't decided if I'm interested in Journey of a Roach. Plus, I don't... steam.
I'm genuinely interested in getting the full picture of this new HB gifting system. According to Momo's post, the DRM-free version stays in one's account - the question is: is it still downloadable after one gives away the Steam key? And is the gifting option still available after someone downloads the DRM-free version?
If the answer is "yes", then that's a major change.
Well I gifted Spoderman "The Dark Eye" and just now went to see if I could download it from my library. It appears to be willing to let me (though I did not actually complete the DL).
Maybe someone with more space can fully test this. OTOH, it could be that this system is so new that they haven't had time to fully implement it. OR, HB is actually understanding my needs (In this case), I bought the bundle for back-ups since I'd gotten most of these games on Steam (pre-GOG) and thought - hey, nice! Back-ups, a new game plus some gifts - SWEET!
Other bundles I'm not going to care so much about having back-ups since I hadn't planned on playing those games anyway. Frankly I am just happy that HB changed their policy about gifting codes that I wasn't going to use.