Posted May 15, 2023

People that lie about Zoom Platform can FOAD.
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

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Registered: May 2009
From United Kingdom

Registered: Aug 2013
From Ukraine
Posted May 15, 2023
The best solution to this might be a location check from where the request for removing the games from the library was made. The action sequence for this would be: you mark items in a library and send the request for their deletion, then, if the request was approved (after GOG staff have checked if there was no location change of your account) you will have those marked items removed from your library. I think that even a bot is capable of comparing the locations, and this could ease the process.

Survived the human apocalypse
Registered: May 2011
From Italy
Posted May 16, 2023
I would like the demos to be permanently gone from my library, let's start with the reason that they increase the game counter.
Also I get notices when they are udated which I really don't care for.
Yep, but that would require some new logic for Galaxy, to install (and start and uninstall) something that's not in the library.
Also I get notices when they are udated which I really don't care for.
Yep, but that would require some new logic for Galaxy, to install (and start and uninstall) something that's not in the library.
Post edited May 16, 2023 by neumi5694

Registered: Mar 2018
From Australia
Posted May 16, 2023

I don't see the issue. Hide what you don't want. Keep watch of your library count.
Want to argue you can't keep track of your number of games you have? Post-it note. Stick it on your wall or desk D-O-N-E.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted May 16, 2023
Well, of course it is only digital and hiding is possible, but having stuff removed is like cleaning up. Or the hiding feature could be improved to not notify me about updates etc of hidden games. Then at least it would really be hidden.
When gog support stopped removing games on request years ago, my solution was to not buy games anymore I was unsure about just to give them a try.
When gog support stopped removing games on request years ago, my solution was to not buy games anymore I was unsure about just to give them a try.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted May 16, 2023

When gog support stopped removing games on request years ago, my solution was to not buy games anymore I was unsure about just to give them a try.
Still, there is an option to refund a game for 30 days, which I did twice only, and the option "back to gog wallet" took promised 24h, a big plus here
The problem comes when my friend received an unwanted gift from a person in a mask, she thought it was someone else and then never could return a gift being turned back by a bot,
She knows there is " support at gog dot com " but as mentioned, it is not going to happen. trauma here
Personally, I deleted my old account (keeping all desired offline installers) so all games disappeared, I remember who gifted me what game keeping gratefulness in mind, and all accidental games were simply washed away
I greet us all emotional Gogigans! ^

Pls add Offline Installers for My Rewards!
Registered: Dec 2013
From Other
Posted May 16, 2023
This. The last thing I want is to get hacked, or have some visiting troll sibling come up to my PC and then have the hacker or a trolling sibling wipe my entire library. It's good that game platforms either don't allow this, or make it as difficult as possible.
CarChris: I can't imagine what GOG's disadvantage (or fear?) would be, if it could be made possible to ask from support to remove an unwanted game. People don't want a refund, nor an exchange with an other game of equal price. Just the capability to remove from the library an unwanted game, because we didn't like it and we don't want to have it litter the library with its presence. I'm talking about games bought before there was the refund option. Or is GOG afraid that if we change our minds again and we want that game back, we would demand to be given back for free? No, nothing of the like. It could be stated explicitly that if one wants that game back, then he would have to buy it again.
From my part, I regret having bought Pathologic 1. Unfortunately I bought it first and read about its strangeness and high difficulty later! I haven't tried it, I haven't even downloaded it, not even once! Then you lack imagination. See my argument above. If it was easy to remove games, then it would also be easy for malicious parties to do so as well. There would just be a rise in pointless game restoration requests.
As for Pathologic 1, it's great. I have 100% achievements in it lol. Why buy a game without research, then do some research and dismiss it without having even tried it for yourself? You should have refunded it in that case, but I suspect 30 days have long passed. You may as well try it then, it's a great surreal experience. Difficulty is negated by the presence of unlimited manual saving, something which the remake (falsely marketed as a sequel in the west) lacks.
Anyway, if people are so desperate to get rid of games, then here's a proposal:
Let people remove games and have all user-removed games transfer to my account lol. I'll happily take anything and everything.

From my part, I regret having bought Pathologic 1. Unfortunately I bought it first and read about its strangeness and high difficulty later! I haven't tried it, I haven't even downloaded it, not even once!
As for Pathologic 1, it's great. I have 100% achievements in it lol. Why buy a game without research, then do some research and dismiss it without having even tried it for yourself? You should have refunded it in that case, but I suspect 30 days have long passed. You may as well try it then, it's a great surreal experience. Difficulty is negated by the presence of unlimited manual saving, something which the remake (falsely marketed as a sequel in the west) lacks.
Anyway, if people are so desperate to get rid of games, then here's a proposal:
Let people remove games and have all user-removed games transfer to my account lol. I'll happily take anything and everything.
Post edited May 16, 2023 by SargonAelther

Hiding in plain sight.
Registered: Dec 2019
From Greece
Posted May 16, 2023

If this isn't the case, then I'll give it a try.

Registered: Mar 2020
From Romania
Posted May 16, 2023
At least as far back as 2016, Steam has allowed users to remove ownership of an item, and add it back at any time. Prior to this, it was possible to contact support and have the item removed, but this was permanent.
GOG isn't likely to spend any resources implementing such a server-side recycle bin. Demand is low and there's a litany of issues that they've left unaddressed for many years.
GOG isn't likely to spend any resources implementing such a server-side recycle bin. Demand is low and there's a litany of issues that they've left unaddressed for many years.

Modding is fun!
Registered: May 2015
From United States
Posted May 17, 2023
I agree 100% and as others have mentioned, just hide it.
The idea of users being able to delete games on their own actually worries the heck me.
I've deleted stuff from my drives all the time for one reason or another and sure enough, at times I've realized I made a mistake. (especially after the Recycle bin was emptied out lol)
And then realizing I didn't have a backup! Lol
I like the hide feature and I don't want to contact support to reverse my own stupidity should I ever regret deleting a game. That to me is a nightmare scenerio.
The idea of users being able to delete games on their own actually worries the heck me.
I've deleted stuff from my drives all the time for one reason or another and sure enough, at times I've realized I made a mistake. (especially after the Recycle bin was emptied out lol)
And then realizing I didn't have a backup! Lol
I like the hide feature and I don't want to contact support to reverse my own stupidity should I ever regret deleting a game. That to me is a nightmare scenerio.

People that lie about Zoom Platform can FOAD.
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 19, 2023
They should add a permanent refund option for demos. Simple solution instead of telling us to hide them.
Why have it so "regular" games can be removed but demos can't?
Don't like a game you bought? Don't ask for a refund. Just hide it and pretend it isn't there.
Why have it so "regular" games can be removed but demos can't?
Don't like a game you bought? Don't ask for a refund. Just hide it and pretend it isn't there.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From United States
Posted April 14, 2024
This is beyond insane that this still hasn't been addressed.
When it comes to "Demos, Trials, Prologues, and Alphas" there shouldn't even have the requirement or even option to add it to your account. You shouldn't HAVE to hide these things.
I can understand needing a ticket to moderation to remove other games that you paid for from your account, especially if it isn't for a refund. But not the stuff above, that should be beyond trivial to remove and flat out impossible to add to your collection as a purchase.
When it comes to "Demos, Trials, Prologues, and Alphas" there shouldn't even have the requirement or even option to add it to your account. You shouldn't HAVE to hide these things.
I can understand needing a ticket to moderation to remove other games that you paid for from your account, especially if it isn't for a refund. But not the stuff above, that should be beyond trivial to remove and flat out impossible to add to your collection as a purchase.
Post edited April 14, 2024 by Fuguss

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted April 14, 2024
Post edited April 14, 2024 by dnovraD

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Belgium
Posted December 23, 2024
Of course we should be able to delete games. We bought them, they should be ours to dispose. This reeks like corporate interference in our personal lives, and is exactly why I left Steam. Also this is not up to the community to decide. This should be an individual right.