drealmer7: I do mean artificial additives, everything from "natural flavors" (which can contain up to 200 different chemical substances that are not natural at all, and also "beaver butt", which
is natural, but, who wants to eat that?"
YES, beaver butt is a possible ingredient of "natural flavor"!!! believe it, or look it up, the documentation is there!!!
anything that is hard to pronounce, abbreviated, or isn't actually a real food (here in the US they put SOOOO much into food that is petroleum based or chemical-derived that should not be being consumed.)
OH! and make sure any dough/bread products you consume use "unbleached" flour. BLEACH is horrible for you/the brain, and a lot of food is bleached (here in the US.)
I highly recommend (to everyone out there!) to look up every single ingredient that you don't know what it is/means and seeing what it is. Even ketchup and mayonnaise can contain up to a dozen or more additives that are just not good for you.
I'll reiterate the amazing affects of RAW ACV (with the "mother".) Start this TODAY if you can!!!
Weed can also help with sleep patterns! However, it's a strong thing, and I wouldn't just start smoking blindly without talking to an experienced user. Send me a message if you want to talk about it more.
Complex music is better for the brain than non-complex music. So depending on the type of smooth jazz or classical, you might want to try something a bit different. Progressive metal has been shown to do amazing things for brain function!!! Its complex patterns and elaborate developments and stimulation are crazy things. I can turn you on to some instrumental stuff if you like. (Liquid Tension Experiment is a great place to start.)
We don't bleach food with sodium hydrochloride (househould bleach). But bleaching flour does remove many of the nutritional yield of wheat. And so does time.
We don't use beaver butt. We use the male territory-marking glandular spray called
. Equally gross. But tasty in all-natural yogurt!
And it's true that our artificial colors are made from the byproduct of burning crude oil. The color itself is often bad enough, but a few other chemicals like to seep in, too.
A natural, healthy diet is preferred if you can get it. Diet is the first and best medicine.