tombon92: I've tried everything but nothing seems to work.
Just a fyi, it;s a bad idea to say such statements on any support forum. 1) The folks answering have no idea what you have tried and 2) any answer we may give may have been one you;ve already tried and we would be just wasting our time.
How did you download the game? Galaxy? The old downloader? Direct file download?
If you have the installer file which would be with the last two methods of downloading it, did you try right clicking on it to run it?
If you have Galaxy, do you see it in it's menu?
Did you get some sort of error when you tries to install it? If so what was the error?
Afraid you don;t give us a whole lot to go on. A friendly reminder that only you can see what is occurring. All we can do is make guesses.