Tolsith: Oh ! so i do have the newest version... : /
thanks for your answer !
Now i wonder why it's asking me to update and telling me it can't do it on its own automatically...
I tried to send a post to the support of GOG about DLC hearts of stone, but i couldn't send it because it required some sort of rapport about my hardware and i just couldn't make it work.
it still doesn't work...
JMSarDev: Can you post a screenshot of the error you are having. Regarding the hardware report you need is the DxDiag. Do this:
Windows Key + R (Run Window will open) -> Write "dxdiag" and press Enter -> It will appear a DirectX tool. Presh the "Save the information" button, and will make a DxDiag.txt. That´s the file you need to upload.
I wanted to show the block on the support form page, but now i can't even reach the contact form anymore where it's asked to do that hardware rapport with dxdiag. ( But thanks for the tips, next time i'll know how to make it run i hope.)
At the moment, i can't reach the support form, and it still requires an update on the gog site.
So, to show you some sreens you asked for :
To contact support I try via my galaxy board. ( galaxypanel.jpg image ), I choose the type of inquiry , click " continue " but instead of opening the form, it opens my defalut browser on the embed version ( embedgog.jpg ) it s said i haven't any prodcut or i'm not looged in.
So i try to log in, I go to; and as you see below, there is blue line and it's saying my galaxy is outdated and the need to run an update. ( gog.jpg )
edit : if i open the on chrome directly, the witcher 3 appears ( not the dlc though...), but i still can't reach the contact form...
I click on the wither 3 game, it opens this : onchrome.jpg where there is a list of FAQ style questions. still no suport contact form.