nightcraw1er.488: Yo'u'd be amazed at how many websites ignore the request or are unable to do such a thing, likely as they are selling your data to anyone.
Well, now that you remind me, I could see it as a valid reason that if one has written some controversial and poorly thought stuff on e.g. some forum, and you could somehow be connected to you even by outsiders (because you happened to use your real name in the account, or you know many people know who is using certain alias in the internets).
A bit like i can certainly understand some people might want to delete their Facebook account, if they e.g. want to a political career later on etc. Everything you have written 20 years ago will still haunt you.
Yeah, could be that too. Maybe when (not if) I decide to run for president, I want my GOG account closed as well. Or why did people think I am backing up my GOG games to a local hard drive with gogrepo, huh?